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Häger, Andreas and Ralf Kauranen. "Drawn into Krishna: Autobiography and Lived Religion in the Comics of Kaisa and Christoffer Leka." Comics, Culture, and Religion. Faith Imagined. Ed. Kees de Groot. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. 67–88. 
Added by: joachim (11/22/23, 4:40 PM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.5040/
BibTeX citation key: Hager2023
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Categories: General
Keywords: Autobiography, Finland, Hinduism, Leka. Kaisa, Leka. Kristoffer, Religion, Travelogue
Creators: de Groot, Häger, Kauranen
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (New York)
Collection: Comics, Culture, and Religion. Faith Imagined
Views: 28/687
Autobiography in any genre is a form of “presentation of self,” a construction of the author’s identity. In our study of four comics by Kaisa and Christoffer Leka from Finland, we focus on how religion, in their case the Gaudiya Vashnavism tradition within Hinduism, is integrated in self-representation. As religion is a recurring topic in their comics, which are set in the mundane milieux of the protagonists, we approach these as narratives of lived religion (Ammerman 2014). Our purpose is to analyze the manifold ways in which life and religion are intermingled in the comics. Two of the comics that we focus on follow a conventional pattern of autobiography as they narrate how religion is meaningful and important in the lives of the protagonists. In one case, the autobiographical travel narration not only thematizes the travel as religious practice but the narrative is also structured according to an important religious text. In the final case, a religious text is adapted in the framework of the lives of the two protagonists. Our research question is: What is the role of the autobiographical approach in the depiction and promotion of this minority religion in a secularized Nordic context? A discussion on religion in autobiographical comics follows next, after which we look at the Finnish religious context. Before moving on to the empirical analyses, the comics production of the Leka couple and self-representation in them are discussed.
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