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Displaying 1 - 1218  of 1218 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

1000 und 1 Buch [Journal] [1]  17° C [Journal] [3]  a/b: Auto/Biography Studies [Journal] [20]  ABD. Asian/Pacific Book Development [Journal] [5]  Academic Forum [Journal] [1]  Academic Journal of Modern Philology [Journal] [1]  Academic Medicine [Journal] [2]  Academic Psychiatry [Journal] [1]  Across Languages and Cultures [Journal] [1]  Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Ostraviensis. Studia Germanistica [Journal] [1]  Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies [Journal] [3]  Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales [Journal] [1]  Adaptation [Journal] [5]  Advanced Science Letters [Journal] [1]  Aesthetics [Journal] [1]  African American Review [Journal] [4]  African and Asian Studies [Journal] [1]  African Arts [Journal] [1]  African Identities [Journal] [1]  Africultures [Journal] [3]  Afrika Spectrum [Journal] [1]  Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere [Journal] [1]  Aggression and Violent Behavior [Journal] [1]  AJS Review [Journal] [1]  akzente [Journal] [1]  Allmende [Journal] [1]  Alman Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi – Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur [Journal] [1]  Alter Ego [Journal] [2]  Alternative Media [Journal] [1]  Amazing Heroes [Journal] [3]  Amerasia Journal [Journal] [8]  America [Journal] [1]  American Art [Journal] [8]  American Heritage [Journal] [1]  American Imago [Journal] [9]  American Indian Culture and Research Journal [Journal] [1]  American Journal of Economics and Sociology [Journal] [1]  American Journal of Psychotherapy [Journal] [2]  American Journal of Public Health [Journal] [1]  American Journal of Sociology [Journal] [1]  American Journalism [Journal] [2]  American Literary History [Journal] [4]  American Literature [Journal] [17]  American Mercury [Journal] [1]  American Music [Journal] [1]  American Periodicals [Journal] [5]  American Quarterly [Journal] [5]  American Speech [Journal] [1]  Amerikastudien [Journal] [13]  Anais do Seminário Nacional de Literatura, História e Memória [Journal] [1]  Anarchist Studies [Journal] [1]  Anatomical Sciences Education [Journal] [1]  Anglia [Journal] [1]  Anglica (Warsaw, Poland) [Journal] [1]  Anglica Wratislaviensia [Journal] [1]  anglistik & englischunterricht [Journal] [1]  AnimaniA Sonderheft [Journal] [1]  Animation [Journal] [13]  Animation Journal [Journal] [2]  Animation Practice, Process & Production [Journal] [4]  Animation Studies [Journal] [1]  Annals of Family Medicine [Journal] [1]  Annals of the Association of American Geographers [Journal] [1]  Antipode [Journal] [1]  Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos [Journal] [1]  Anuário de Literatura [Journal] [1]  Applied Cognitive Psychology [Journal] [2]  apropos [Perspektiven auf die Romania] [Journal] [3]  Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik [Journal] [1]  Arbor [Journal] [1]  Arc [Journal] [1]  Archiv fur das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen [Journal] [2]  Arizona Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Ars Aeterna [Journal] [2]  Art Education [Journal] [5]  Art History [Journal] [1]  Art Institute of Chicago Museum Studies [Journal] [1]  Art Journal [Journal] [7]  ArtCultura [Journal] [1]  Arthuriana [Journal] [2]  Arts [Journal] [2]  Arts & Education International Research Journal [Journal] [1]  Arts and Humanities in Higher Education [Journal] [1]  ASAP/Journal [Journal] [1]  Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies [Journal] [1]  Asian Cinema [Journal] [1]  Asian Journal of Communication [Journal] [3]  Asian Journal of Social Science [Journal] [2]  Asian Studies Review [Journal] [4]  Aspekte [Journal] [1]  Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook [Journal] [1]  Ateliers. Cahiers de la Maison de la Recherche [Journal] [1]  Atenea [Journal] [1]  Atlantic Journal of Communication [Journal] [1]  Atlantic Studies [Journal] [1]  Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies [Journal] [1]  Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte [Journal] [7]  Auskunft [Journal] [2]  Australasian Journal of American Studies [Journal] [2]  Australasian Journal of Popular Culture [Journal] [6]  Australian Feminist Studies [Journal] [2]  Australian Journal of Communication [Journal] [1]  Australian Journal of French Studies [Journal] [2]  Australian Journal of Language and Literacy [Journal] [1]  Auto/Biography Studies [Journal] [1]  Avant Garde Critical Studies [Journal] [2]  Aztlán. A Journal of Chicano Studies [Journal] [1]  Babel [Journal] [1]  Babylon. Beiträge zur jüdischen Gegenwart [Journal] [1]  Balkanistic Forum [Journal] [1]  Baraza: A Journal of the Arts in Malawi [Journal] [2]  Barn [Journal] [1]  Bauwelt [Journal] [5]  BDK-Mitteilungen [Journal] [2]  Beiträge zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur [Journal] [1]  Białostockie Studia Literaturoznawcze [Journal] [1]  Bibliothek [Journal] [2]  Biography [Journal] [11]  Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege [Journal] [1]  Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik [Journal] [2]  Blätter für die Lehrerfortbildung [Journal] [1]  Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung [Journal] [1]  BOMB [Journal] [1]  Book 2.0 [Journal] [3]  Bookbird [Journal] [10]  Boston Review [Journal] [1]  boundary 2 [Journal] [1]  Brain and Language [Journal] [1]  brand eins [Journal] [1]  Brazilian Journalism Research [Journal] [1]  Brink [Journal] [1]  British Journal of Aesthetics [Journal] [1]  British Journal of Sociology of Education [Journal] [1]  Brno Studies in English [Journal] [1]  Brünner Hefte zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache [Journal] [1]  Bücherei und Blldung [Journal] [1]  Bulletin de la Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe Siècles [Journal] [1]  Bulletin Jugend & Literatur [Journal] [2]  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies [Journal] [1]  Bulletin of the History of Medicine [Journal] [1]  Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies [Journal] [1]  Cahier voor de literatuurwetenschap [Journal] [1]  Cahiers d’Études Hongroises et Finlandaises [Journal] [1]  Cahiers de la Méditerranée [Journal] [1]  Cahiers de médiologie [Journal] [1]  Caietele Echinox [Journal] [4]  Caliban [Journal] [1]  California Historical Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Callaloo [Journal] [1]  Cambridge Journal of Education [Journal] [2]  Camera Obscura [Journal] [2]  Camp [Journal] [1]  Canadian Children’s Literature [Journal] [1]  Canadian Journal of Communication [Journal] [2]  Canadian Journal of Irish Studies [Journal] [1]  Canadian Journal of Philosophy [Journal] [1]  Canadian Literature [Journal] [5]  Canadian Modern Language Review [Journal] [1]  Canadian Review of American Studies [Journal] [5]  Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée [Journal] [11]  Capitalism Nature Socialism [Journal] [1]  Cartoonist Profiles [Journal] [1]  Cartoons Magazine [Journal] [1]  Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies [Journal] [1]  CEA Critic [Journal] [1]  Celebrity Studies [Journal] [1]  Central States Speech Journal [Journal] [1]  Changing English [Journal] [2]  Childhood Education [Journal] [4]  Children’s Geographies [Journal] [1]  Children’s Literature [Journal] [7]  Children’s Literature Association Quarterly [Journal] [10]  Children’s Literature in Education [Journal] [6]  China Information [Journal] [1]  Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries [Journal] [1]  CineAction [Journal] [1]  Cinéma & Cie [Journal] [4]  Cinema Journal [Journal] [19]  CINéMAS [Journal] [1]  Cinématheque [Journal] [1]  Cinephile [Journal] [5]  Classical and Modern Literature [Journal] [1]  Clinical Nursing Research [Journal] [1]  CLIO [Journal] [2]  Cognition [Journal] [1]  Cognitive Linguistics [Journal] [1]  Cognitive Psychology [Journal] [2]  Cognitive Science [Journal] [2]  Collection Building [Journal] [2]  College & Research Libraries [Journal] [1]  College & Research Libraries News [Journal] [2]  College Composition and Communication [Journal] [1]  College English [Journal] [3]  College Literature [Journal] [15]  Colloquia Germanica [Journal] [7]  Columbia Journalism Review [Journal] [1]  Comic Almanach [Journal] [22]  Comic Art [Journal] [7]  Comic Book Artist [Journal] [3]  Comic Book Marketplace [Journal] [2]  Comic Forum [Journal] [2]  Comic Heroes Magazine [Journal] [5]  Comic Jahrbuch [Journal] [52]  COMIC!-Jahrbuch [Journal] [11]  Comicgate Magazin [Journal] [8]  Comics Anno [Journal] [42]  Comixene [Journal] [5]  Commentary [Journal] [3]  Communicatio [Journal] [1]  Communicatio Socialis [Journal] [1]  Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies [Journal] [5]  Communication Booknotes [Journal] [1]  Communication Booknotes Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Communication et langages [Journal] [3]  Communication Monographs [Journal] [1]  Communication Research [Journal] [1]  Communication Studies [Journal] [1]  Communication, Culture and Critique [Journal] [3]  Communications [Journal] [12]  Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research [Journal] [9]  Comparativ [Journal] [6]  Comparative American Studies [Journal] [1]  Comparative Literature [Journal] [2]  Comparative Literature Studies [Journal] [1]  Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East [Journal] [1]  Composition Studies [Journal] [1]  Concentric [Journal] [1]  Configurations [Journal] [2]  Connections [Journal] [1]  Conséquences [Journal] [1]  Conspectus: A Journal of English Studies [Journal] [1]  Contemporary French and Francophone Studies [Journal] [8]  Contemporary French Civilization [Journal] [9]  Contemporary Islam [Journal] [1]  Contemporary Japan [Journal] [1]  Contemporary Literature [Journal] [2]  contexts [Journal] [1]  Continuum [Journal] [9]  Controspazio [Journal] [1]  Convergence [Journal] [1]  Convivium [Journal] [3]  Creative Industries Journal [Journal] [2]  Creative Review [Journal] [1]  Creativity Studies [Journal] [1]  Crime, Media, Culture [Journal] [3]  Criminal Justice Review [Journal] [1]  Crimmer’s [Journal] [2]  Critical Arts [Journal] [1]  Critical Discourse Studies [Journal] [1]  Critical Engagements [Journal] [10]  Critical Inquiry [Journal] [7]  Critical Studies in Media Communication [Journal] [11]  Critical Studies on Terrorism [Journal] [1]  Critical Survey [Journal] [1]  Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction [Journal] [1]  Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction [Journal] [4]  Critix [Journal] [4]  Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos [Journal] [2]  Cuadernos Literarios [Journal] [1]  Cultura y Educación [Journal] [1]  Cultural Critique [Journal] [2]  Cultural Geographies [Journal] [4]  Cultural Studies [Journal] [3]  Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies [Journal] [1]  Culture & Psychology [Journal] [1]  Culture, Society & Masculinities [Journal] [1]  Daphnis [Journal] [1]  Das Altertum [Journal] [1]  Das Argument. N.F. Sonderband [Journal] [1]  Das Kunstwerk [Journal] [1]  Das Science Fiction Jahr [Journal] [25]  Day Care and Early Education [Journal] [1]  Debats [Journal] [1]  Den jyske historiker [Journal] [1]  Der altsprachliche Unterricht Latein, Griechisch [Journal] [2]  Der Deutschunterricht [Journal] [7]  Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Englisch [Journal] [7]  Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht. Französisch [Journal] [8]  Der Märchenspiegel [Journal] [3]  deSignis [Journal] [3]  Deutsche Comicforschung [Journal] [144]  Deutschland Archiv [Journal] [1]  Deutschunterricht [Journal] [3]  Diacritics [Journal] [1]  Dibrugarh Journal of English Studies [Journal] [1]  Die Horen [Journal] [1]  Die Neueren Sprachen [Journal] [2]  Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German [Journal] [2]  Die Zeit [Journal] [1]  Die Zukunft [Journal] [1]  Discourse [Journal] [3]  Diskussion Deutsch [Journal] [1]  Documentary Box [Journal] [1]  Documents [Journal] [1]  Dokumente [Journal] [3]  Dolmen Europa [Journal] [1]  Drawing [Journal] [1]  Droit et Liberté [Journal] [1]  Drug and Alcohol Review [Journal] [1]  du [Journal] [1]  Early Childhood Education Journal [Journal] [1]  Early Popular Visual Culture [Journal] [6]  East Asian Journal of Popular Culture [Journal] [14]  Ecological Economics [Journal] [1]  Economic Geography [Journal] [1]  Edgar Allan Poe Review [Journal] [1]  Edinburgh Working Papers in Applied Linguistics [Journal] [1]  editio [Journal] [1]  Education 3–13 [Journal] [2]  Educational Media International [Journal] [1]  Eighteenth-Century Studies [Journal] [1]  Ekfrase [Journal] [1]  Encounter [Journal] [2]  Endeavour [Journal] [2]  Englisch betrifft uns [Journal] [1]  English in Education [Journal] [1]  English Journal [Journal] [6]  English Language Notes [Journal] [12]  English Literature in Transition, 1880–1920 [Journal] [1]  English Studies [Journal] [1]  English Studies in Canada [Journal] [1]  English Text Construction [Journal] [1]  Environment and Planning D: Society and Space [Journal] [3]  Erich Maria Remarque Jahrbuch [Journal] [1]  Escape [Journal] [1]  Essays in French Literature and Culture [Journal] [1]  Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense [Journal] [1]  Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea [Journal] [2]  Estudos Teológicos [Journal] [1]  ETC. A Review of General Semantics [Journal] [2]  Ethnologie française [Journal] [11]  Études [Journal] [2]  Études de Lettres [Journal] [5]  Études françaises [Journal] [4]  Études Francophones [Journal] [9]  Études littéraires [Journal] [3]  Études Tsiganes [Journal] [2]  European Comic Art [Journal] [112]  European Journal of American Culture [Journal] [3]  European Journal of Communication [Journal] [1]  European Journal of English Studies [Journal] [3]  European Journal of International Relations [Journal] [1]  European Journal of Jewish Studies [Journal] [1]  European Studies in Sports History [Journal] [2]  Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences [Journal] [1]  Exemplaria [Journal] [1]  Exilforschung [Journal] [1]  Extrapolation [Journal] [16]  Eye [Journal] [1]  f.lm. texte zum film [Journal] [1]  Fabula [Journal] [4]  Facetten der japanischen Populär- und Medienkultur [Journal] [3]  Families [Journal] [1]  Fashion Theory [Journal] [4]  Fastitocalon [Journal] [1]  Fat Studies [Journal] [1]  Feminist Criminology [Journal] [2]  Feminist Media Histories [Journal] [8]  Feminist Media Studies [Journal] [7]  Feminist Studies [Journal] [2]  Feminist Teacher [Journal] [1]  Feministische Studien [Journal] [1]  Fictions [Journal] [8]  Figurationen [Journal] [2]  Figures de l’Art [Journal] [1]  Film [Journal] [1]  Film International [Journal] [2]  Film Matters [Journal] [1]  Film Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Film Studies [Journal] [2]  film-dienst [Journal] [1]  Film, Fashion & Consumption [Journal] [5]  Florida Educational Leadership [Journal] [1]  Folia Scandinavica Posnaniensia [Journal] [1]  Foreign Language Annals [Journal] [1]  Formules [Journal] [5]  Forschung Frankfurt [Journal] [2]  Forum for World Literature Studies [Journal] [8]  FORUM Homosexualität und Literatur [Journal] [1]  Fotogeschichte [Journal] [1]  Foundation [Journal] [7]  Fourth Genre [Journal] [1]  Francia [Journal] [1]  Frankreich-Jahrbuch [Journal] [1]  Freiburger Rundbrief. Zeitschrift für christlich-jüdische Begegnung [Journal] [1]  Freiburger Universitätsblätter [Journal] [1]  French Cultural Studies [Journal] [15]  French Forum [Journal] [1]  French Historical Studies [Journal] [1]  French Studies [Journal] [1]  Frontières [Journal] [2]  Frontiers of History in China [Journal] [1]  Funnyworld [Journal] [1]  Games and Culture [Journal] [1]  Gender & Language [Journal] [1]  Gender and Education [Journal] [2]  Genetic Counseling [Journal] [1]  Genre [Journal] [1]  Geography Compass [Journal] [1]  Geopolitics [Journal] [1]  Georg-Forster-Studien [Journal] [1]  Georgia State University Law Review [Journal] [1]  German Quarterly [Journal] [4]  Germanic Review [Journal] [1]  Germanica [Journal] [3]  Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift [Journal] [1]  Germanistische Mitteilungen [Journal] [2]  Germanoslawica [Journal] [1]  Geschichte für heute [Journal] [1]  Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht [Journal] [2]  Geschichte lernen [Journal] [4]  Geschichte und Gesellschaft [Journal] [1]  Girlhood Studies [Journal] [1]  Global Health Promotion [Journal] [1]  GLQ. A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies [Journal] [1]  Gnosis [Journal] [3]  Gnosis Special Issue [Journal] [12]  Gothic Studies [Journal] [8]  Graphis [Journal] [1]  Green Letters [Journal] [1]  Griffith Law Review [Journal] [4]  Harper’s Magazine [Journal] [2]  Harvard Educational Review [Journal] [2]  Harvard Law Review [Journal] [1]  Health [Journal] [1]  Health Communication [Journal] [1]  Hispanic Research Journal [Journal] [1]  Historia [Journal] [1]  Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television [Journal] [1]  Historische Sozialkunde [Journal] [5]  Historisk tidskrift [Journal] [1]  History and Anthropology [Journal] [1]  History of Photography [Journal] [7]  History of the Human Sciences [Journal] [1]  History Research [Journal] [1]  History Today [Journal] [1]  History Workshop [Journal] [1]  History Workshop Journal [Journal] [1]  History: Reviews of New Books [Journal] [1]  Hogan’s Alley [Journal] [6]  Horizonte. Italianistische Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft und Gegenwartsliteratur [Journal] [2]  Horror Studies [Journal] [5]  Howard the Duck [Journal] [1]  Human and Social Studies [Journal] [1]  Human Development [Journal] [1]  Humor. International Journal of Humor Research [Journal] [4]  Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies [Journal] [3]  Iberoamericana [Journal] [2]  ICFAI Journal of English Studies [Journal] [1]  Iconics [Journal] [1]  ide [Journal] [7]  Idil [Journal] [1]  IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications [Journal] [2]  Il novo giorno. Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft [Journal] [1]  Images [Journal] [1]  Imaginations [Journal] [1]  Imprimatur [Journal] [1]  Infinity [Journal] [2]  Information & Culture [Journal] [1]  Informationen Jugendliteratur und Medien, 37 (1985), 3, 47-49 [Journal] [1]  Inklings [Journal] [1]  Inks [Journal] [53]  Inter-Asia Cultural Studies [Journal] [2]  Inter-Lignes [Journal] [1]  InterCommunication [Journal] [1]  Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment [Journal] [1]  interjuli [Journal] [2]  Interlinguistische Informationen, Beiheft [Journal] [1]  International Communication Gazette [Journal] [1]  International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique [Journal] [11]  International Journal of Comic Art [Journal] [703]  International Journal of Cultural Policy [Journal] [2]  International Journal of Cultural Studies [Journal] [7]  International Journal of Discrimination and the Law [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Early Years Education [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Francophone Studies [Journal] [3]  International Journal of Learning and Media [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Persian Literature [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Psycho-Analysis [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Science Education [Journal] [1]  International Journal of Science Education, Part B [Journal] [1]  International Journal of the Book [Journal] [9]  International Journal of the Humanities [Journal] [1]  International Journal on the Arts in Society [Journal] [2]  International Political Science Review [Journal] [1]  International Political Sociology [Journal] [1]  International Review of Social History [Journal] [2]  International Studies Perspectives [Journal] [1]  Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur [Journal] [3]  Intertexts [Journal] [1]  Interzone [Journal] [1]  Inverses [Journal] [1]  Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies [Journal] [5]  Iranian Studies [Journal] [1]  Iris: A Journal about Women [Journal] [1]  Irish Theological Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Issues in Architecture Art & Design [Journal] [1]  Italian Studies [Journal] [1]  Itchy Planet [Journal] [1]  Jahrbuch der ungarischen Germanistik [Journal] [1]  Jahrbuch für Antisemitismusforschung [Journal] [1]  Jahrbuch für finnisch-deutsche Literaturbeziehungen [Journal] [1]  Jahrbuch für Literatur und Psychoanalyse [Journal] [2]  Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik [Journal] [1]  Japan aktuell [Journal] [1]  Japan Forum [Journal] [8]  Japan Review [Journal] [1]  Japanese Journal of Religious Studies [Journal] [1]  Japanese Studies [Journal] [8]  Japanstudien [Journal] [4]  Japonica Humboldtiana [Journal] [2]  Jewish Culture and History [Journal] [1]  Jewish Quarterly [Journal] [4]  Jewish Quarterly Review [Journal] [1]  Journal for Cultural Research [Journal] [1]  Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Academic Librarianship [Journal] [1]  Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance [Journal] [4]  Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy [Journal] [14]  Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism [Journal] [8]  Journal of African Cultural Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of American & Comparative Cultures [Journal] [1]  Journal of American Culture [Journal] [18]  Journal of American Folklore [Journal] [3]  Journal of American History [Journal] [1]  Journal of American Studies [Journal] [15]  Journal of Art & Design Education [Journal] [2]  Journal of Asian Pacific Communication [Journal] [1]  Journal of Australian Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Austrian Studies [Journal] [4]  Journal of Black Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Blacks in Higher Education [Journal] [1]  Journal of Business Ethics [Journal] [1]  Journal of Cancer Education [Journal] [1]  Journal of Children and Media [Journal] [1]  Journal of Children's Literature [Journal] [2]  Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Cognitive Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Comics and Culture [Journal] [13]  Journal of Communication [Journal] [1]  Journal of Communication Inquiry [Journal] [2]  Journal of Comparative Family Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Consumer Research [Journal] [2]  Journal of Contemporary Religion [Journal] [1]  Journal of Creative Communications [Journal] [1]  Journal of Creativity in Mental Health [Journal] [1]  Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Cultural Economics [Journal] [1]  Journal of Decorative and Propaganda Arts [Journal] [1]  Journal of Development Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Educational Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Educational Sociology [Journal] [13]  Journal of European Popular Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Experimental Education [Journal] [3]  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory [Journal] [1]  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Fandom Studies [Journal] [11]  Journal of Feminist Family Therapy [Journal] [2]  Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion [Journal] [1]  Journal of Folklore Research [Journal] [1]  Journal of French Language Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Gender Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics [Journal] [258]  Journal of Greek Media & Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Holocaust Research [Journal] [1]  Journal of Homosexuality [Journal] [1]  Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science [Journal] [1]  Journal of Illustration [Journal] [3]  Journal of Information Science [Journal] [1]  Journal of International and Intercultural Communication [Journal] [1]  Journal of Interpersonal Violence [Journal] [1]  Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema [Journal] [3]  Journal of Japanese Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies [Journal] [2]  Journal of Lesbian Studies [Journal] [12]  Journal of LGBT Youth [Journal] [1]  Journal of Librarianship and Information Science [Journal] [1]  Journal of Literacy Research [Journal] [1]  Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Literature and Art Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Material Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Media and Religion [Journal] [3]  Journal of Medical Humanities [Journal] [22]  Journal of Modern African Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Modern Jewish studies [Journal] [9]  Journal of Modern Literature [Journal] [6]  Journal of Modern Periodical Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Moral Education [Journal] [2]  Journal of Narrative Theory [Journal] [3]  Journal of New Zealand Literature [Journal] [1]  Journal of Organizational Ethnography [Journal] [1]  Journal of Peace Education [Journal] [1]  Journal of Popular Culture [Journal] [188]  Journal of Popular Film and Television [Journal] [2]  Journal of Popular Television [Journal] [3]  Journal of Postcolonial Writing [Journal] [12]  Journal of Pragmatics [Journal] [7]  Journal of Psychoactive Drugs [Journal] [1]  Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Psychohistory [Journal] [3]  Journal of Quantitative Linguistics [Journal] [2]  Journal of Religion and Popular Culture [Journal] [10]  Journal of Research in Childhood Education [Journal] [2]  Journal of Romance Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of School Health [Journal] [1]  Journal of Science & Popular Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Science & Technology Law [Journal] [1]  Journal of Services Marketing [Journal] [1]  Journal of Sex Research [Journal] [1]  Journal of Social Psychology [Journal] [1]  Journal of Social Theory in Art Education [Journal] [2]  Journal of Southern African Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Surgical Education [Journal] [1]  Journal of Teaching Writing [Journal] [1]  Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry [Journal] [1]  Journal of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. [Journal] [1]  Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology [Journal] [1]  Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts [Journal] [13]  Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era [Journal] [1]  Journal of the History of Collections [Journal] [1]  Journal of the Royal Musical Association [Journal] [1]  Journal of the University Film Association [Journal] [1]  Journal of Urban Cultural Studies [Journal] [3]  Journal of Vaishnava Studies [Journal] [1]  Journal of Victorian Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Visual Culture [Journal] [1]  Journal of Visual Literacy [Journal] [3]  Journal of Writing in Creative Practice [Journal] [1]  Journalism [Journal] [1]  Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly [Journal] [3]  Journalism Practice [Journal] [1]  Journalism Studies [Journal] [2]  Journeys [Journal] [1]  Jugend Film Fernsehen [Journal] [1]  Jugend und Buch [Journal] [1]  Jugendliteratur [Journal] [2]  Jugendschriften-Warte N.F. [Journal] [2]  JuLit [Journal] [8]  Jungle World [Journal] [2]  Juni-Magazin für Literatur und Kultur [Journal] [2]  Jurnal Komunikasi Visual WIMBA [Journal] [1]  K-A CAPA alpha [Journal] [1]  Kafka [Journal] [1]  Karl May & Co. [Journal] [1]  Katholische Erziehung [Journal] [1]  kids+media [Journal] [1]  Kieler Blätter zur Volkskunde [Kieler Blätter] [Journal] [1]  Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung [Journal] [7]  Kinderheim [Journal] [1]  kjl&m [Journal] [22]  kjl&m extra [Journal] [1]  Kleist-Jahrbuch [Journal] [1]  Knowledge Organization [KO] [Journal] [1]  Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie [Journal] [1]  Komparatistik [Journal] [2]  Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History [Journal] [4]  Krieg und Literatur / War and Literature [Journal] [7]  Kritische Ausgabe [Journal] [2]  kritische berichte [Journal] [12]  KronoScope [Journal] [1]  Kultur & Gespenster [Journal] [10]  Kultur & klasse [Journal] [1]  Kultura popularna [Journal] [2]  KulturPoetik [Journal] [2]  kultuRRevolution [Journal] [3]  Kunst + Unterricht [Journal] [3]  Kunst und Politik [Journal] [1]  Kunstforum international [Journal] [1]  Kunsthistorische Arbeitsblätter [Journal] [1]  L’art macabre [Journal] [1]  L’Éprouvette [Journal] [1]  L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature [Journal] [1]  La Lettre de l’AiRDF [Journal] [1]  La Palabra y el Hombre [Journal] [1]  Laboratorium för folk och kultur [Journal] [1]  Labour / Le Travail [Journal] [1]  Labyrinthe [Journal] [1]  Language and Education [Journal] [1]  Language and Literature [Journal] [1]  Language Arts [Journal] [5]  Langue française [Journal] [1]  Latin American Perspectives [Journal] [3]  Latin American Research Review [Journal] [1]  Law and Contemporary Problems [Journal] [1]  Law and Humanities [Journal] [1]  Law Text Culture [Journal] [14]  Law, Culture and the Humanities [Journal] [2]  Le Collectionneur de bandes dessinées [Journal] [1]  Le Débat [Journal] [5]  Le Temps des Médias [Journal] [2]  Lebende Sprachen [Journal] [1]  Lebendige Schule [Journal] [1]  Lendemains [Journal] [5]  Les Cahiers de la bande dessinée [Journal] [2]  Les Cahiers du GRIT [Journal] [1]  LiBeR [Journal] [1]  Libraries & Culture [Journal] [1]  Librarium [Journal] [1]  Library Journal [Journal] [1]  libri liberorum [Journal] [1]  Life [Journal] [1]  Life Writing [Journal] [3]  Lingua Franca [Journal] [1]  Lingua Posnaniensis [Journal] [1]  Linguistica e Filologia [Journal] [1]  Linguistik und Didaktik [Journal] [1]  Linguistische Berichte [Journal] [1]  LIT. Literature Interpretation Theory [Journal] [2]  Literacy Research and Instruction [Journal] [3]  Literacy Research Association Yearbook [Journal] [1]  Literatur im Unterricht [Journal] [1]  Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht [Journal] [2]  literatur konkret [Journal] [2]  Literatur und Kritik [Journal] [5]  Literature and Belief [Journal] [1]  Literature and Psychology [Journal] [1]  Literature and Theology [Journal] [1]  Literature/Film Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch [Journal] [1]  Literatuur zonder leeftijd [Journal] [1]  Logos [Journal] [1]  Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure [Journal] [7]  Lovecraft Annual [Journal] [1]  Loyola Intellectual Property and High Technology Law Quarterly [Journal] [1]  M/E/A/N/I/N/G [Journal] [1]  Manchester Region History Review [Journal] [1]  Manga Academica [Journal] [1]  Manushi: A Journal about Women and Society [Journal] [1]  MARG [Journal] [4]  Margins [Journal] [1]  Mark Twain Journal [Journal] [1]  Marvels & Tales [Journal] [1]  Mass Communication and Society [Journal] [1]  MATRIZes [Journal] [1]  McSweeney's Quarterly Concern [Journal] [5]  Mechademia [Journal] [56]  Media International Australia [Journal] [1]  Media Perspektiven [Journal] [1]  Media Psychology [Journal] [1]  Media, Culture & Society [Journal] [2]  Medical Humanities [Journal] [1]  Medien & Zeit [Journal] [11]  Medien-Impulse [Journal] [1]  Mediterranean Journal of Humanities [Journal] [1]  MEI [Journal] [17]  Melus [Journal] [14]  Men and Masculinities [Journal] [2]  Meridians [Journal] [2]  Merkur [Journal] [3]  Meta [Journal] [3]  Metaphor and Symbol [Journal] [2]  Metaphor and Symbolic Activity [Journal] [1]  Méthodes et Interdisciplinarité en Sciences humaines [Journal] [1]  Michigan Quarterly Review [Journal] [1]  MiDU - Medien im Deutschunterricht [Journal] [1]  Midwestern Journal of Language and Folklore [Journal] [1]  Minchō Magazine [Journal] [2]  Mitteilungen [Journal] [1]  Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien [Journal] [1]  Mitteilungen des Instituts für Jugendbuchforschung [Journal] [2]  MLN [Journal] [1]  Modern & Contemporary France [Journal] [1]  Modern and Contemporary France [Journal] [5]  Modern Fiction Studies [Journal] [18]  Modern Judaism [Journal] [1]  Modern Language Review [Journal] [2]  Modernism/Modernity [Journal] [1]  Monatshefte [Journal] [1]  montage/AV [Journal] [1]  Monumenta Nipponica [Journal] [1]  Mosaic [Journal] [9]  Mots [Journal] [1]  Multimodal Communication [Journal] [1]  Muttersprache [Journal] [1]  Myth & Symbol [Journal] [1]  Mythlore [Journal] [1]  Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens [Journal] [2]  Names [Journal] [1]  Names: A Journal of Onomastics [Journal] [2]  Narodna umjetnost [Journal] [1]  Narrative [Journal] [9]  Nathaniel Hawthorne Review [Journal] [1]  Natural History [Journal] [1]  Navigationen [Journal] [3]  Nemo. The Classic Comics Library [Journal] [2]  Neohelicon [Journal] [2]  Neophilologus [Journal] [2]  Neue Blätter für Taubstummenbildung [Journal] [1]  Neue Rundschau [Journal] [13]  Neuropsychologia [Journal] [1]  Neusprachliche Mitteilungen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis [Journal] [1]  Neuvième art [Journal] [4]  New German Critique [Journal] [1]  New Labor Forum [Journal] [1]  New Library World [Journal] [1]  New Literary History [Journal] [1]  New Political Science [Journal] [1]  New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship [Journal] [1]  New York Folklore [Journal] [1]  Nineteenth Century French Studies [Journal] [1]  Nineteenth-Century Contexts [Journal] [1]  Non Fiktion [Journal] [1]  Nordlit [Journal] [1]  Northwest Review [Journal] [1]  Nova Religio [Journal] [1]  Novel [Journal] [1]  Nuova corrente [Journal] [1]  OAH Magazine of History [Journal] [1]  Object [Journal] [1]  Occident [Journal] [1]  October [Journal] [1]  ÖDaF-Mitteilungen [Journal] [1]  ODV-Zeitschrift. Publikationen des Oraner Deutschlehrerverbands [Journal] [1]  Off Our Backs [Journal] [1]  Ohio State Law Journal [Journal] [1]  Open Cultural Studies [Journal] [1]  Opus [Journal] [1]  Oral History Review [Journal] [1]  Orientaliska Studier [Journal] [3]  Orientations. The Monthly Magazine for Collectors and Connoisseurs of Asian Art [Journal] [1]  Osnabrücker Beiträge zur Sprachtheorie [Journal] [1]  Ostasiatische Zeitschrift [Journal] [1]  Otrante [Journal] [1]  Oxford Art Journal [Journal] [1]  Oxford German Studies [Journal] [1]  Pacific Coast Philology [Journal] [2]  Palabra Clave [Journal] [5]  Palgrave Communications [Journal] [1]  Papers [Journal] [2]  Paradoxa [Journal] [5]  pardon [Journal] [1]  Partial Answers [Journal] [3]  Passages [Journal] [1]  Pastoral Psychology [Journal] [1]  Pattern Recognition Letters [Journal] [1]  Peabody Journal of Education [Journal] [1]  Pedagogy [Journal] [1]  Pedagogy, Culture & Society [Journal] [2]  Perspectives [Journal] [1]  Perspectives in Psychiatric Care [Journal] [1]  Perspectives. Studies in Translatology [Journal] [4]  Pharmacy in History [Journal] [1]  Phase 2. Zeitschrift gegen die Realität [Journal] [1]  Philete [Journal] [1]  Philippine Studies [Journal] [1]  Philosophy and Literature [Journal] [2]  Philosophy Compass [Journal] [1]  Philosophy Now [Journal] [5]  Plaque [Journal] [10]  PLoS ONE [Journal] [1]  Plum Lines [Journal] [1]  PMLA [Journal] [7]  Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism [Journal] [1]  Poetics Today [Journal] [7]  Poetry [Journal] [1]  Policy Futures in Education [Journal] [1]  Polin [Journal] [1]  Political Communication [Journal] [1]  Political Geography [Journal] [1]  Political Psychology [Journal] [1]  Political Science & Politics [Journal] [1]  politics [Journal] [1]  Pop. Kultur und Kritik [Journal] [1]  Popular Communication [Journal] [1]  Popular Culture in Libraries [Journal] [2]  Popular Culture Review [Journal] [2]  Popular Culture Studies Journal [Journal] [7]  Popular Narrative Media [Journal] [2]  Popular Science Monthly [Journal] [1]  Porn Studies [Journal] [3]  positions [Journal] [9]  Post Script [Journal] [2]  Postcolonial Studies [Journal] [2]  postmedieval [Journal] [2]  Postscripts [Journal] [1]  Potsdamer Studien zur Frauen- und Geschlech­terforschung [Journal] [1]  Pragmatics [Journal] [1]  Pragmatics & Cognition [Journal] [1]  Praxis der Volksschule [Journal] [1]  Praxis Deutsch [Journal] [14]  Praxis Englisch [Journal] [1]  Praxis Philosophie & Ethik [Journal] [1]  Print [Journal] [3]  Prism [Journal] [1]  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting [Journal] [1]  Proceedings of the Ohio Academy of History [Journal] [1]  Profession [Journal] [1]  Prooftexts [Journal] [2]  Prose Studies [Journal] [5]  Prospects [Journal] [1]  Protée [Journal] [1]  PS: Political Science and Politics [Journal] [25]  Psicología Educativa [Journal] [1]  Psychoanalyse im Widerspruch [Journal] [1]  Psychologie und Gesellschaftskritik [Journal] [1]  Psychosozial [Journal] [1]  Public Journal of Semiotics [Journal] [1]  Public Opinion Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Public Understanding of Science [Journal] [1]  Publishing Research Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Publizistik [Journal] [1]  Qualitative Research [Journal] [1]  Quarterly Journal of Speech [Journal] [2]  Quarterly Review of Film and Video [Journal] [8]  Quarterly Review of Film Studies [Journal] [1]  Québec français [Journal] [1]  Québec Studies [Journal] [1]  Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture [Journal] [4]  Querformat [Journal] [1]  Question [Journal] [1]  Race & Class [Journal] [1]  Radical History Review [Journal] [2]  Raritan [Journal] [1]  Reader [Journal] [1]  Readerly/Writerly Texts [Journal] [1]  Reading & Writing Quarterly [Journal] [1]  REAL. Yearbook of Research in English and American Literature [Journal] [1]  Recherches en communication [Journal] [1]  Recherches germaniques [Journal] [1]  Reddition [Journal] [19]  REDEN [Journal] [1]  Reference & User Services Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Reference Services Review [Journal] [1]  Reform Judaism [Journal] [3]  Rehabilitation Literature [Journal] [1]  reli. Zeitschrift für Religionsunterricht und Lebenskunde [Journal] [1]  Religion & Human Rights [Journal] [3]  Religion and American Culture [Journal] [1]  Religion Compass [Journal] [1]  Religionspädagogische Hefte [Journal] [1]  Religious Education [Journal] [3]  Renaissance and Modern Studies [Journal] [1]  Representations [Journal] [2]  Research in African Literatures [Journal] [1]  Réseaux [Journal] [4]  Rethinking History [Journal] [8]  Rethinking Marxism [Journal] [1]  Review of Cognitive Linguistics [Journal] [1]  Review of Communication [Journal] [10]  Review of Disability Studies [Journal] [1]  Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies [Journal] [2]  Review of International American Studies [Journal] [1]  Review of Japanese Culture and Society [Journal] [3]  Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses [Journal] [3]  Revista de Filología Hispánica [Journal] [1]  Revista de Literaturas Populares [Journal] [1]  Revista española de la opinión pública [Journal] [2]  Revista Famecos [Journal] [1]  Revista Signos [Journal] [1]  Revue de l’Université de Bruxelles [Journal] [1]  Revue de la culture matérielle [Journal] [1]  Revue de littérature comparée [Journal] [1]  Rhetoric Review [Journal] [1]  Romance Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Romance Studies [Journal] [2]  Romanian Journal of English Studies [Journal] [1]  Romanistisches Jahrbuch [Journal] [1]  Rowohlts Literaturmagazin [Journal] [1]  Rraah! [Journal] [1]  Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities [Journal] [5]  Safundi [Journal] [8]  Sambalpur Studies in Literatures and Cultures [Journal] [1]  sans phrase [sans phrase] [Journal] [2]  Satire. Mitteilungen des Wilhelm-Busch-Museums [Journal] [2]  Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research [Journal] [1]  Schnitt [Journal] [5]  Schreibheft [Journal] [19]  Schriften der Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft [Journal] [1]  Schule und Museum [Journal] [1]  Schweizer Schulen [Journal] [1]  Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde. Archives suisses des traditions populaires [Journal] [1]  Science Fiction Studies [Journal] [5]  Scientia Poetica [Journal] [1]  Screen [Journal] [2]  Screen Education [Journal] [17]  Scripta Classica [Journal] [1]  Scrutiny2 [Journal] [1]  Seminar [Journal] [1]  Semiotica [Journal] [9]  Serials Review [Journal] [23]  Sex Roles [Journal] [9]  Sexualities [Journal] [1]  Shakespeare [Journal] [2]  Shofar [Journal] [15]  Signa [Journal] [1]  Signs. Journal of Women in Culture and Society [Journal] [3]  SIGNs. Studies in Graphic Narratives [Journal] [10]  Simpliciana [Journal] [2]  Sinn und Form [Journal] [1]  Sites [Journal] [1]  Slavery & Abolition [Journal] [1]  Smithsonian Studies in American Art [Journal] [1]  Social & Cultural Geography [Journal] [2]  Social & Legal Studies [Journal] [1]  Social Behavior and Personality [Journal] [1]  Social Identities [Journal] [2]  Social Problems [Journal] [2]  Social Science Japan Journal [Journal] [1]  Social Science Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Social Semiotics [Journal] [1]  Social Thought and Research [Journal] [1]  Sociétés & Représentations [Journal] [6]  Society [Journal] [1]  Sociological Forum [Journal] [1]  Sociology and Social Research [Journal] [1]  Sociology Compass [Journal] [1]  Sonus. A Journal of Investigations into Global Musical Possibilities [Journal] [1]  Source [Journal] [1]  South Asia Research [Journal] [1]  South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases [Journal] [1]  South Asian Popular Culture [Journal] [1]  South Asian Review [Journal] [1]  South Atlantic Quarterly [Journal] [2]  South Central Review [Journal] [8]  Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science [Journal] [3]  Southerly [Journal] [1]  Soziologiemagazin [Journal] [1]  Spectator [Journal] [1]  SPEX [Journal] [1]  SPIEL [Journal] [1]  Spontan [Journal] [1]  Sprache im technischen Zeitalter [Journal] [2]  Sprache und Literatur [Journal] [1]  Sprachwissenschaft [Journal] [1]  Stanford Law Review [Journal] [1]  Stichproben [Journal] [1]  Stichproben [Journal] [1]  Stimmen der Zeit [Journal] [1]  Storyworlds [Journal] [5]  Studia Anglica Posnaniensia [Journal] [1]  Studia Fennica [Journal] [1]  Studia Germanistica [Journal] [1]  Studia Historiae Oeconomicae [Journal] [1]  Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai – Philologia [Journal] [9]  Studien zur Jugendliteratur [Journal] [1]  Studies in American Humor [Journal] [14]  Studies in American Indian Literatures [Journal] [1]  Studies in American Jewish Literature [Journal] [5]  Studies in Art Education [Journal] [2]  Studies in Comics [Journal] [146]  Studies in Communication Sciences [Journal] [1]  Studies in Latin American Popular Culture [Journal] [10]  Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education [Journal] [2]  Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching [Journal] [1]  Studies in Musical Theatr [Journal] [1]  Studies in Popular Culture [Journal] [25]  Studies in Russian & Soviet Cinema [Journal] [1]  Studies in South Asian Film and Media [Journal] [1]  Studies in Symbolic Interaction [Journal] [1]  Studies in the Novel [Journal] [11]  Studies in Travel Writing [Journal] [1]  SubStance [Journal] [13]  Symbolae Europaeae [Journal] [1]  SYN [Journal] [3]  Syracuse University Library Associates Courier [Journal] [1]  Taddle Creek [Journal] [1]  Tangence [Journal] [1]  Target [Journal] [2]  Tausendundein Buch [Journal] [1]  Technical Communication Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Technical Services Quarterly [Journal] [2]  Tekstualia [Journal] [1]  Television & New Media [Journal] [1]  Tennessee Folklore Society Bulletin [Journal] [1]  Testcard [Journal] [3]  Text Matters [Journal] [1]  Text+Kritik [Journal] [3]  Texte zur Kunst [Journal] [1]  Textual Practice [Journal] [1]  Textyles [Journal] [18]  The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry [Journal] [1]  The American Prospect [Journal] [1]  The American Scholar [Journal] [1]  The Americas Review [Journal] [1]  The Arkansas Historical Quarterly [Journal] [1]  The Australian Feminist Law Journal [Journal] [1]  The Beethoven Journal [Journal] [1]  The Believer [Journal] [14]  The California Printmaker [Journal] [1]  The Canadian Hiustorical Review [Journal] [1]  The CEA Critic [Journal] [6]  The Charleston Advisor [Journal] [1]  The Clearing House [Journal] [4]  The College English Association Critic [Journal] [1]  The Comics Journal [Journal] [47]  The Comics Journal. Special Edition [Journal] [12]  The Comparatist [Journal] [2]  The Doll Sourcebook [Journal] [1]  The Educational Forum [Journal] [1]  The English Journal [Journal] [1]  The Evolutionary Review [Journal] [1]  The Explicator [Journal] [1]  The Ganzfeld [Journal] [1]  The Hermenaut [Journal] [1]  The Historian [Journal] [1]  The History Teacher [Journal] [1]  The Human [Journal] [1]  The ICFAI University Press Journal of American Literature [Journal] [1]  The Imp [Journal] [4]  The Information Society [Journal] [2]  The Lion and the Unicorn [Journal] [4]  The Low Countries [Journal] [1]  The Mark Twain Annual [Journal] [1]  The New York Review of Books [Journal] [1]  The New Yorker [Journal] [2]  The North American Review [Journal] [1]  The Paris Review [Journal] [2]  The Partisan Review [Journal] [1]  The Point Magazine [Journal] [1]  The Reading Teacher [Journal] [2]  The Reference Librarian [Journal] [2]  The Saturday Review [Journal] [1]  The Serials Librarian [Journal] [2]  The Sewannee Review [Journal] [1]  The Shandean [Journal] [5]  The Sixties [Journal] [1]  The Social Studies [Journal] [1]  The Soundtrack [Journal] [1]  The Southern Literary Journal [Journal] [1]  The Space Between [Journal] [1]  The Trademark Reporter [Journal] [1]  The Translator [Journal] [1]  The Velvet Light Trap [Journal] [5]  The Wisconsin Magazine of History [Journal] [1]  The Yale Review [Journal] [1]  Theatre [Journal] [1]  Theatre Research International [Journal] [1]  Theological Librarianship [Journal] [1]  Theology [Journal] [1]  Theory & Research in Social Education [Journal] [2]  Theory Into Practice [Journal] [1]  Theory, Culture & Society [Journal] [1]  Thermozero [Journal] [1]  Thesis Eleven [Journal] [1]  Thesis. Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar [Journal] [1]  Third Text [Journal] [2]  Thymos [Journal] [1]  Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap [Journal] [3]  Tierstudien [Journal] [1]  Topia [Journal] [2]  Topics in Cognitive Science [Journal] [2]  torquere [Journal] [1]  TRANS. Revista de traductología [Journal] [1]  Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers [Journal] [1]  TransCon Proceedings [Journal] [1]  Traverse [Journal] [1]  Tribüne [Journal] [1]  Triëdere [Journal] [8]  tv diskurs [Journal] [1]  Twentieth Century Literature [Journal] [1]  U.S.-Japan Women's Journal [Journal] [6]  Umělec [Journal] [2]  Underground [Journal] [1]  Universitas. Orientierung in der Wissenswelt [Journal] [1]  Universitas. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Literatur [Journal] [1]  University of Bucharest Review [Journal] [1]  Unsere Schule [Journal] [1]  Unterricht Chemie [Journal] [1]  Unterricht Englisch [Journal] [1]  Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine [Journal] [1]  Urgences [Journal] [5]  Valör [Journal] [4]  Veröffentlichungen des Japanisch-Deutschen Zentrums Berlin. Reihe 1. Deutsch [Journal] [1]  Victorian Periodicals Review [Journal] [1]  Vingtième Siècle [Journal] [2]  Violence and Victims [Journal] [1]  Virginia Quarterly Review [Journal] [1]  Visible Language [Journal] [1]  Visual Arts Research [Journal] [20]  Visual Communication [Journal] [6]  Visual Communication Quarterly [Journal] [1]  Visual Culture in Britain [Journal] [1]  Visual Studies [Journal] [2]  Voice of Youth Advocates [Journal] [1]  Voix et Images [Journal] [1]  Volkacher Bote. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur [Journal] [1]  Werkstücke [Journal] [7]  Westermanns Pädagogische Beiträge [Journal] [2]  Western Journal of Communication [Journal] [1]  Wilhelm-Busch-Jahrbuch [Journal] [6]  Wirkendes Wort [Journal] [1]  Women [Journal] [1]  Women & Therapy [Journal] [1]  Women and Language [Journal] [1]  Women's Studies Quarterly [Journal] [5]  Women’s Studies International Forum [Journal] [1]  Word & Image [Journal] [18]  Works & Days [Journal] [7]  World Englishes [Journal] [2]  World Literature Today [Journal] [13]  Writing Systems Research [Journal] [1]  Yale French Studies [Journal] [6]  Yang [Journal] [1]  Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature [Journal] [1]  Yearbook of the National Reading Conference [Journal] [2]  Zagreber Germanistische Beiträge [Journal] [1]  Zeithistorische Forschungen / Studies in Contemporary History [Journal] [1]  Zeithistorische Forschungen. Studies in Contemporary History [Journal] [2]  Zeitmagazin [Journal] [1]  ZeitRäume. Potsdamer Almanach des Zentrums für Zeithistorische Forschung [Journal] [1]  Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik [Journal] [7]  Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie [Journal] [1]  Zeitschrift für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft [Journal] [1]  Zeitschrift für Fantastikforschung [Journal] [2]  Zeitschrift für Germanistik [Journal] [2]  Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik [Journal] [3]  Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft [Journal] [1]  Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch [Journal] [1]  Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik [Journal] [3]  Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft [Journal] [2]  Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula [Journal] [1]  Zeszyty Naukowe Uczelni Vistula – Vistula University Working Papers [Journal] [1]  Zibaldone [Journal] [4]  国際文化研究 (Kokusai Bunka) [Journal] [1]  期刊介绍 / Signs and Media [Journal] [1]

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