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McAlpine, Heather, W. Ron Sweeney, and Jess Wind, eds. The Archie/Sabrina Universe: Essays on the Comics and Their Adaptations. Jefferson: McFarland, 2023. 
Added by: joachim (6/4/23, 10:48 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/4/23, 11:23 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-1-4766-8084-2
BibTeX citation key: McAlpine2023
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Archie", "Sabrina the Teenage Witch", Adaptation, Children’s and young adults’ comics, Collection of essays, USA
Creators: McAlpine, Sweeney, Wind
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson)
Views: 15/923
Intersecting with fan studies, TV and comics studies, queer, disability and feminist studies, as well as popular culture and media scholarship, this collection of essays is the first to offer critical examinations of Riverdale, The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and the broader Archie/Sabrina comics universe. Its authors interrogate these texts in an effort not only to make sense of their chaotic stories, but to understand our own ongoing fascination with their narratives. Contributing to a greater cultural conversation about representation in media, authors find unexpected value in the oftentimes ridiculous (mis)adventures of the Archie/Sabrina expanded universe.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (v)

Heather McAlpine, W. Ron Sweeney and Jess Wind: Introduction (1)
W. Ron Sweeney: Archie Must Die: On the Many Lives and Deaths of Archie Andrews (11)
Dessa Bayrock: On Becoming a Citizen of Riverdale: Narrative Expansion Through Fanfiction, Interactive Fiction, and Other Apocryphal (Hyper)Texts (28)
Kirsten Bussière: Endless Authorship: Fanfiction, Copyright, and the Extended Archie Universe (45)
Katie Stobbart: Chilling Adventures in Feminism: Sabrina Is Not the Feminist Heroine We Need (62)
Sarah Stang: “When will the world learn? Women should be in charge of everything”: Lilith as Villain, Victim, and Feminist in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (84)
Melissa Wehler: “Put your cape away”: Riverdale’s #MeToo Moment (105)
Hannah Meghan Celinski: Watching Them, Watch Them: The Coded Movement of Betty’s Pole Dance and Our Passive Audience Gaze (124)
Kaarina Mikalson: Punk Rock Prom Queen to Covergirl: Teens and Consumption in Riverdale and Josie and the Pussycats (139)
Mat Wenzel: Archie Got Hot: How Embracing the Queer Art of Failure Allows the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina to Shift Queer Readings Away from Identity (155)
Whitney Tiffany Renville: Disability in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (173)
Brett Pardy: “First as tragedy, then as farce”: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and Satanic Moral Panic (190)

About the Contributors (205)
Index (207)

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