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Hoffman, Eric, ed. Cerebus the Barbarian Messiah: Essays on the Epic Graphic Satire of Dave Sim and Gerhard. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2012. 
Added by: joachim (6/11/12, 7:56 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/2/20, 6:13 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-6889-8
BibTeX citation key: Hoffman2012
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Cerebus", Alternative Comics, Canada, Collection of essays, Gerhard, Sim. Dave
Creators: Hoffman
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Views: 29/1079
In December 1977, struggling Canadian comic book artist Dave Sim self-published the first issue of Cerebus the Aardvark, a Conan the Barbarian satire featuring a foul-tempered, sword-wielding creature trapped in a human world. Over the next 26 years, Sim, and later collaborator Gerhard, produced an epic 6,000-page graphic novel, the longest-running English language comic series by a single creative team. They revolutionized the comics medium by showing other artists that they too could forgo major publishers, paving the way for such successes as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bone. This work, the first collection of critical essays on Cerebus, provides a multifaceted approach to Sim and Gerhard’s complex and entertaining oeuvre, including their innovative use of the comic medium, storytelling and satiric techniques, technical and visual sophistication, and Sim’s use of the comic as commentary on gender and religion.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (v)

Preface (1)
Eric Hoffman: Introduction: Alone, Unmourned and Unloved (5)

I. A Map of Estarcion
Sebastian Domsch: Growing Complexity; or, the Cerebus Effect (65)
Eric Hoffman: Audacious Tenacity, Tenacious Audacity: Cerebus’ Grand (and Changing) Narrative Strategies (77)

II. Ignore It, It’s Just Another Reality
David Groenewegen: “Does This Seem Right to You?” Stories Within Cerebus (97)
Dominick Grace: Aardvarkian Intertexts and True Stories (103)
Gregory John Fink: “Why Certainly Dear Boy …” Incorporating Oscar Wilde into the Aardvark’s World (118)

III. Becoming Synonymous with Something Indescribable
C.W. Marshall: Seeing Sound (127)
Sabin Calvert: Negative Space and Guttural Noise: Gerhard’s Psychological Reads (148)

IV. Mind Games
Dominick Grace: Testing the Limits of Genre/Gender (163)
Isaac J. Mayeux: Anti-Feminist Aardvark? Gender, Subjectivity and Authorship (175)
Mario N. Castro: The Aardvark and the Beautiful Women: Male Sexuality and Gender Politics (190)

V. Ye Booke of Sim
Edward M. Komara: YHWH’s Story, or, How to Laugh While Reading “Chasing YHWH” and Still Have Enough Stamina for The Last Day (199)

Lenny Cooper: Appendix: An Introduction to the Cerebus “Phonebooks” (217)

Bibliography (221)
About the Contributors (225)
Index (227)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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