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Displaying 1 - 44  of 44 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

17th Annual Eaton Conference [Proceedings] [1]  9th International Conference on Word and Image Studies, L'imaginaire / The Imaginary [Proceedings] [1]  American Academy of Religion annual conference 2013 [Proceedings] [1]  Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication [Proceedings] [1]  Asia Culture Forum 2006 [Proceedings] [1]  Australasian Political Studies Association Conference [Proceedings] [1]  Canadian Political Science Association Annual Conference [Proceedings] [1]  Comic Arts Conference [Proceedings] [2]  Comics and Conflicts [Proceedings] [1]  Comics Forum 2010: Women in Comics II [Proceedings] [1]  Comics Studies Conference [Proceedings] [1]  Culture and the Making of Worlds [Proceedings] [1]  Experimental Narratives from the Novel to Digital Storytelling [Proceedings] [1]  Far West Popular Culture Association 33rd Annual Conference [Proceedings] [2]  Graduate Consortium of Women's Studies (GCWS) Symposium: “Power and (In)Visibility” [Proceedings] [1]  Great Divides: Transgressing Boundaries [Proceedings] [1]  Heroes and Villains. Everyday Folks, Powers and Abilities Far Beyond Mortals [Proceedings] [1]  III Congreso de Historia Social; Las figuras del desorden: heterodoxos, proscritos y marginados [Proceedings] [1]  IkonoTexte - Duale Mediensituationen [Proceedings] [1]  Imagined Worlds [Proceedings] [1]  Interactive Narratives, New Media & Social Engagement [Proceedings] [1]  International Comic Arts Forum [Proceedings] [1]  International Conference Youth in/and Literature & Society [Proceedings] [1]  Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture and American Culture Associations [Proceedings] [1]  Le Corbusier, 50 years later [Proceedings] [1]  LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts [Proceedings] [1]  Masques, identités et bande dessinée [Proceedings] [1]  MiT5, Media in Transition: Creativity, Ownership, and Collaboration in the Digital Age [Proceedings] [2]  Modernist Studies Association Tenth Annual Conference [Proceedings] [1]  National Seminar on Popular Media and Culture [Proceedings] [1]  NMC Summer Conference [Proceedings] [1]  NordDesign 2014 [Proceedings] [1]  Public Sociologies [Proceedings] [1]  Retrieving Illustration Conference [Proceedings] [1]  San Diego Comic Arts Conference [Proceedings] [1]  Sequential SmArt: A Conference on Teaching with Comics [Proceedings] [1]  Southwest Conference on Christianity and Literature. “Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: The Clash of Tradition and Innovation in Literary and Theological Studies” [Proceedings] [1]  Student Research Symposium [Proceedings] [1]  The Politics of Dissent in North Africa [Proceedings] [1]  Theology, Aesthetics, and Culture: Conversations on the Work of David Brown [Proceedings] [1]  Thinking Gender [Proceedings] [2]  Visual Culture of Childhood: Child Art after Modernism [Proceedings] [1]  Watching the Media – Censorship, Limits, and Control in Creative Practice [Proceedings] [1]  XLI Jornadas de Estudios Americanos [Proceedings] [1]

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