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Ahmed, Maaheen. Monstrous Imaginaries: The Legacy of Romanticism in Comics. Jackson: University Pr. of Mississippi, 2019.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/31/21, 12:58 PM
Beineke, Colin. "“Her Guardiner”: Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing as the Green Man." ImageTexT 5. 4 2011. Accessed 7Aug. 2011. <http://www.english.ufl. ... /archives/v5_4/beineke/>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 3/13/13, 9:23 PM
Bradshaw, Michael. "‘The sleep of reason’: Swamp Thing and the intertextual reader." Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition. Ed. Matthew J. A. Green. Manchester, New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 2013. 121–39.   
Added by: joachim 6/22/14, 11:49 AM
Camus, Cyril. "Forêts symboliques de la bande dessinée fantastique américaine contemporaine." Otrante (2010).   
Added by: joachim 10/12/21, 1:02 PM
Camus, Cyril. "Neil Gaiman: A portrait of the artist as a disciple of Alan Moore." Studies in Comics 2. (2011): 147–57.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/3/12, 7:52 PM
Candelaria, Matthew. "Green Love, Red Sex: The Conflation of the Flora and the Flesh in Swamp Thing." Sexual Ideology in the Works of Alan Moore. Critical Essays on the Graphic Novels. Eds. Todd E. Comer and Joseph Michael Sommers. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2012. 28–39.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/5/12, 9:55 AM
Christopher, Brandon. "“I will not / be haunted / by myself!”: Originality, Derivation, and the Hauntology of the Superhero Comic." Seriality and Texts for Young People. The Compulsion to Repeat. Eds. Mavis Reimer, et al. Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 166–87.   
Added by: joachim 9/16/20, 8:30 PM
Condis, Megan Amber. "The Saga of the Swamp Thing: Feminism and Race on the Comic Book Stand." ImageTexT 5. 4 2011. Accessed 12Mar. 2013. <http://www.english.ufl. ... t/archives/v5_4/condis/>.   
Added by: joachim 3/12/13, 1:35 AM
D’Arcangelo, Adele. "‘Slime Hero from the Swamp’: The Italian Editions of Alan Moore’s Horror Saga The Swamp Thing." Comics in Translation. Ed. Federico Zanettin. Manchester: St. Jerome, 2008. 133–52.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/26/14, 2:59 PM
Ecke, Jochen. "‘Is that you, our Jack?’: An anatomy of Alan Moore’s doubling strategies." Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition. Ed. Matthew J. A. Green. Manchester, New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 2013. 65–83.   
Added by: joachim 6/22/14, 11:40 AM
Gavaler, Chris and Nathaniel Goldberg. "Alan Moore, Donald Davidson, and the Mind of Swampmen." Journal of Popular Culture 50. (2017): 239–58.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/10/18, 6:48 PM
Gray, Maggie. "A Gothic politics: Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing and radical ecology." Alan Moore and the Gothic Tradition. Ed. Matthew J. A. Green. Manchester, New York: Manchester Univ. Press, 2013. 42–62.   
Added by: joachim 6/22/14, 11:37 AM
Harnett, John. "Shelley’s Progeny: Using the Comic to Re-Animate Frankenstein’s Vision." Sequential Art. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Graphic Novel. Eds. Kathrin Muschalik and Florian Fiddrich. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Pr. 2016. 11–21.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/25/21, 8:28 PM
Johnson, Brian. "Libidinal Ecologies: Eroticism and Environmentalism in Swamp Thing." Sexual Ideology in the Works of Alan Moore. Critical Essays on the Graphic Novels. Eds. Todd E. Comer and Joseph Michael Sommers. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2012. 16–27.   
Added by: joachim 4/5/12, 9:52 AM
Marchetto Santorun, María Cecilia. "‘Terrible monsters Sin-bred’: Blakean monstrosity in Alan Moore’s graphic novels." Palgrave Communications 6. 91 2020. Accessed 17Jan. 2021. <>.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/28/21, 12:49 PM
Singer, Marc. "Dark Genesis: Falls from language and returns to Eden from ‘Pog’ to Promethea." Studies in Comics 2. (2011): 93–104.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 12/3/12, 7:38 PM
Smith, Michael. "Embracing Dionysius in Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing." Studies in the Novel 47. (2015): 365–80.   
Added by: joachim 4/25/16, 8:14 AM
Wandtke, Terrence R. The Comics Scare Returns: The Contemporary Resurgence of Horror Comics. Comics Studies Monograph. Rochester: RIT, 2019.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/23/22, 11:14 AM
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