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Kasuya, Hiroki. "An Amalgamation of Literature and Picture: In the Case of Ukiyoe." Interkulturalität. Aktuelle Entwicklungstendenzen in Literatur, Sprache und Gesellschaft. Eds. Yasuo Ariizumi, Kōichi Kazamatsu and Konrad Meisig. East Asia Intercultural Studies/Interkulturelle Ostasienstudien. Wiesbaden: Harassowitz, 2006. 195–98.   
Added by: joachim 2/5/11, 3:49 AM
Togasaki, Fumiko T. "Defiance from Within: Cosmopolitan “Innovators” in Isolated Feudal Japan." Orientations. Space/Time/Image/Word. Word & Image Interactions 5. Eds. Claus Clüver, Véronique Plesch and Leo Hoek. Textxet. Amsterdam [etc.]: Rodopi, 2005. 185–97.   
Added by: joachim 3/18/10, 4:26 AM
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