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Odell, Colin and Michelle Le Blanc. Studio Ghibli: The Films of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Harpenden: Kamera, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (3/25/11, 2:33 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1842432796
BibTeX citation key: Odell2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Animation, Japan, Miyazaki. Hayao, Randformen des Comics, Takahata. Isao
Creators: Le Blanc, Odell
Publisher: Kamera (Harpenden)
Views: 21/826
The animations of Japan’s Studio Ghibli are amongst the highest regarded in the movie industry. Their delightful films rank alongside the most popular non-English language films ever made, with each new eagerly-anticipated release a guaranteed box-office smash. Yet this highly profitable studio has remained fiercely independent, producing a stream of imaginative and individual animations. The studio’s founders, long-time animators Isao Takahata and Hayao Miyazaki, have created timeless masterpieces. Although their films are distinctly Japanese their themes are universal: humanity, community and a love for the environment.
No other film studio, animation or otherwise, comes close to matching Ghibli for pure cinematic experience. This Kamera Book examines all their major works, as well the early output of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, exploring the cultural and thematic threads that bind these films together.
Added by: joachim  
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