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Wilson, Brent. "Becoming Japanese: Manga, Children’s Drawings, and the Construction of National Character." Visual Arts Research 25. (1999): 48–60.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/15/12, 9:26 AM
Wilson, Brent. "Of Diagrams and Rhizomes: Visual Culture, Contemporary Art, and the Impossibility of Mapping the Content of Art Education." Studies in Art Education 44. (2003): 214–29.   
Added by: joachim 11/18/09, 11:07 AM
Wilson, Brent and Masami Toku. "“Boys’ Love,” Yaoi, and Art Education: Issues of Power and Pedagogy." Semiotics and Visual Culture. Sights, Signs, and Significance. Ed. Deborah Lee Smith-Shank. Reston: National Art Education Assoc. 2004. 94–103.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/13/12, 10:56 AM
Wilson, Brent and Marjorie Wilson. "Pictorial Composition and Narrative Structure: Themes and the Creation of Meaning in the Drawings of Egyptian and Japanese Children." Visual Arts Research 13. (1987): 10–21.   
Added by: joachim 1/15/14, 9:09 AM
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