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Banita, Georgiana. "Cosmopolitan Suspicion: Comics Journalism and Graphic Silence." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 49–66.   
Added by: joachim 4/14/13, 10:50 AM
Bartley, Aryn. "Staging Cosmopolitanism: The Transnational Encounter in Joe Sacco’s Footnotes in Gaza." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 67–82.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/14/13, 10:56 AM
Berninger, Mark. "“Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together”: The Cultural Crossovers of Bryan Lee O’Malley." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 243–56.   
Added by: joachim 4/20/13, 12:35 AM
Bieloch, Katharina and Sharif Bitar. "Batman Goes Transnational: The Global Appropriation and Distribution of an American Hero." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 113–26.   
Added by: joachim 4/18/13, 10:21 PM
Brinker, Felix and Christina Meyer. "Comics." Handbuch Popkultur. Eds. Thomas Hecken and Marcus S. Kleiner. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2017. 198–202.   
Added by: joachim 12/7/17, 12:06 AM
Brinker, Felix and Christina Meyer. "Comics." Handbuch Popkultur. Eds. Thomas Hecken and Marcus S. Kleiner. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2017. 198–200.   
Added by: joachim 9/6/18, 4:02 PM
Chaney, Michael A. "Not Just a Theme: Transnationalism and Form in Visual Narratives of US Slavery." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 15–31.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/14/13, 10:40 AM
Davé, Shilpa. "Spider-Man India: Comic Books and the Translating/Transcreating of American Cultural Narratives." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 127–44.   
Added by: joachim 4/18/13, 10:29 PM
Denson, Shane. "Afterword: Framing, Unframing, Reframing: Retconning the Transnational Work of Comics." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 271–84.   
Added by: joachim 4/20/13, 1:12 AM
Denson, Shane, Christina Meyer, and Daniel Stein, eds. Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives: Comics at the Crossroads. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 6/22/14, 4:50 PM
Ecke, Jochen. "Warren Ellis: Performing the Transnational Author in the American Comics Mainstream." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 163–79.   
Added by: joachim 4/13/13, 11:39 PM
El Refaie, Elisabeth. "Transnational Identity as Shape-Shifting: Metaphor and Cultural Resonance in Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 33–47.   
Added by: joachim 4/13/13, 8:01 PM
Etter, Lukas. "The “Big Picture” as a Multitude of Fragments: Jason Lutes’s Depiction of Weimar Republic Berlin." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 229–41.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/13/13, 11:07 PM
Gabilliet, Jean-Paul. "A Disappointing Crossing: The North American Reception of Asterix and Tintin." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 257–70.   
Added by: joachim 4/20/13, 12:41 AM
Gordon, Ian. "Rose O’Neill’s Kewpies and early transmedia practices." Transmedia Practices in the Long Nineteenth Century. Eds. Christina Meyer and Monika Pietrzak-Franger. London, New York: Routledge, 2022. 79–94.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 7/16/22, 10:56 AM
Groß, Florian. "Lost in Translation: Narratives of Transcultural Displacement in the Wordless Graphic Novel." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 197–210.   
Added by: joachim 6/27/17, 5:09 PM
Laemmerhirt, Iris-Aya. "“Trying to Recapture the Front”: A Transnational Perspective on Hawaii in R. Kikuo Johnson’s Night Fisher." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 83–94.   
Added by: joachim 4/14/13, 2:02 PM
Mehring, Frank. "Hard-Boiled Silhouettes: Transnational Remediation and the Art of Omission in Frank Miller’s Sin City." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 211–24.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/13/13, 7:56 PM
Meier, Stefan. "“Truth, Justice, and the Islamic Way”: Conceiving the Cosmopolitan Muslim Superhero in The 99." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 181–94.   
Added by: joachim 4/20/13, 12:13 AM
Meyer, Christina. "George Benjamin Luks and the comic weeklies of the nineteenth century." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 3. (2012): 69–83.   
Added by: joachim 11/17/12, 12:23 PM
Meyer, Christina. "Urban America in the Newspaper Comic Strips of the Nineteenth Century: Introducing the Yellow Kid." ImageTexT 6. 2 2012. Accessed 8Oct. 2012. <http://www.english.ufl. ... xt/archives/v6_2/meyer/>.   
Added by: joachim 10/8/12, 3:28 PM
Meyer, Christina. "Medial transgressions: Comics – sheet music – theatre – toys." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 7. (2016): 293–305.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/14/18, 7:47 AM
Meyer, Christina. "»Noch besser, bunter und mehr davon«: Comicproduktion und Comicästhetik im 19. Jahrhundert." Ästhetik des Gemachten. Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Animations- und Comicforschung. Eds. Hans-Joachim Backe, et al. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2018. 151–76.   
Added by: joachim 8/13/20, 10:02 AM
Meyer, Christina. "Serial Entertainment / Serial Pleasure: The Yellow Kid." Media of Serial Narrative. Ed. Frank Kelleter. Theory and Interpretation of Narrative. Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 2017. 74–89.   
Added by: joachim 5/18/17, 11:40 AM
Meyer, Christina. "“After all, disaster is my muse”: Art Spiegelman's In the Shadow of No Towers." American Studies as Media Studies. Eds. Frank Kelleter and Daniel Stein. American Studies. Heidelberg: Winter, 2008. 107–17.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 5/27/10, 1:40 AM
Meyer, Christina. "Topographien des urbanen Raums in Zeitungscomics der Jahrhundertwende." Sehnsucht suchen? Amerikanische Topographien aus komparatistischer Perspektive. Eds. Simone Sauer-Kretschmer and Christian A. Bachmann. Bochum: Ch.A. Bachmann, 2014. 169–91.   
Added by: joachim 10/15/14, 1:30 PM
Meyer, Christina. "Patriotic Laughter? World War I in British and American Newspaper and Magazine Comics." Heroisches Elend. Der Erste Weltkrieg im intellektuellen, literarischen und bildnerischen Gedächtnis der europäischen Kulturen. Eds. Gislinde Seybert and Thomas Stauder. Bern [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2013. 1525–52.   
Added by: joachim 1/25/14, 12:53 AM
Meyer, Christina. "Un/Taming the Beast, or Graphic Novels (Re)Considered." From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels. Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative. Eds. Daniel Stein and Jan-Noël Thon. Narratologia. Berlin u. Boston: de Gruyter, 2013. 271–99.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 10/14/13, 1:48 AM
Stein, Daniel. "Of Transcreations and Transpacific Adaptations: Investigating Manga Versions of Spider-Man." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 145–62.   
Added by: joachim 4/18/13, 10:39 PM
Stein, Daniel, Christina Meyer, and Micha Edlich. "Introduction: American Comic Books and Graphic Novels." Amerikastudien 56. (2011): 501–30.   
Added by: joachim 10/28/12, 2:02 PM
Wüllner, Daniel. "Folding Nations, Cutting Borders: Transnationalism in the Comics of Warren Craghead III." Transnational Perspectives on Graphic Narratives. Comics at the Crossroads. Eds. Shane Denson, Christina Meyer and Daniel Stein. New York: Bloomsbury, 2013. 95–110.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 4/18/13, 10:11 PM
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