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Baetens, Jan. "Not Telling, but Retelling: From Raymond Queneau’s Exercises in Style to Matt Madden’s 99 Ways to Tell a Story and Back." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 235–48.   
Added by: joachim 7/26/17, 2:46 PM
Berlatsky, Eric. "“Does That Change Anything?”: (Post)Feminist Implications of Gemma Bovery." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 127–46.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 8/8/17, 9:03 AM
Ferguson, Christine. "Illustrating the Abyss: An Interview with Catherine Anyango on Heart of Darkness." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 194–204.   
Added by: joachim 1/16/18, 7:52 PM
Green, Matthew J. A. "“I don’t see what good a book is without pictures or conversations”: Imaginary Worlds and Intertextuality in Alice in Wonderland and Alice in Sunderland." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 110–26.   
Added by: joachim 8/8/17, 9:21 AM
Harris-Fain, Darren. "Illustrated Man: Ray Bradbury, Comics and the Authorized Graphic Novels." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 249–62.   
Added by: joachim 7/26/17, 3:01 PM
Kuhlman, Martha B. "Visualizing the Unrepresentable: Graphic Novel Adaptations of Kafka’s Metamorphosis." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 205–20.   
Added by: joachim 7/26/17, 3:24 PM
Rabkin, Eric S. "The Good, the Bad and the Parodic in Graphic Adaptation." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 82–95.   
Added by: joachim 7/26/17, 3:14 PM
Royal, Derek Parker. "Illustrating the Uncertainty Within: Recent Comics Adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 60–81.   
Added by: joachim 7/5/15, 1:14 PM
Skilton, David and Simon Grennan. "Drawing Style, Genre and the Destabilization of Register in a Graphic Adaptation of Trollope’s 1878 Novel John Caldigate." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 147–60.   
Added by: joachim 1/16/18, 8:46 PM
Tondro, Jason. "Hwaet If? Beowulf in Comics." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 33–45.   
Added by: joachim 8/8/17, 9:15 AM
Vanderbeke, Dirk. "In Search of the White Whale – Adaptations of Moby Dick." Drawn from the Classics. Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works. Eds. Stephen E. Tabachnick and Esther Bendit Saltzman. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2015. 96–109.   
Added by: joachim 11/7/20, 1:35 PM
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