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Macnaughtan, Don. The Buffyverse Catalog: A Complete Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel in Print, Film, Television, Comics, Games and Other Media, 1992–2010. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2011. 
Added by: joachim (1/7/14, 12:04 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-4603-2
BibTeX citation key: Macnaughtan2011
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Buffy", Adaptation, Bibliography, Horror, TV, USA, Whedon. Joss
Creators: Macnaughtan
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Views: 5/994
This bibliographic guide covers the “Buffyverse”—the fictional worlds of the acclaimed television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003) and its spinoff Angel(1999–2004), as well as the original Buffy feature film of 1992. It is the largest and most inclusive work of its kind. The author organizes and describes both the original texts of the Buffyverse (episodes, DVDs, novels, comic books, games, and more) and the secondary materials created about the shows, including books, essays, articles, documentaries, dissertations, fan production and websites. This vast and diverse collection of information about these two seminal shows and their feature-film forebear provides an accessible, authoritative and comprehensive survey of the subject.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (vi)

Preface (1)
Introduction (3)
User’s Guide (5)


Section 1. Buffy the Movie (10)
A. Film (11)
B. DVDs (11)
C. Movie Script (11)
D. Reviews (11)

Section 2. Television Episodes (13)
A. Buffy Seasons 1-7 (14)
B. Angel Seasons 1-5 (23)
C. Trailers (31)
D. Undeveloped Productions (31)
E. Reviews (31)

Section 3. Television DVD Sets (37)
A. North American DVD Sets (39)
B. European, Australian and Asian DVD Sets (41)
C. Reviews (43)

Section 4. Television Scripts (44)
A. Published Scripts (45)
B. Shooting Script Reprints (45)
C. Unpublished Scripts (47)

Section 5. Novels (48)
A. Buffy and Angel Novels (49)
B. Foreign Language Editions (51)
C. Reviews (56)

Section 6. Short Stories (57)
A. Short Story Collections (58)
B. Individual Short Stories (58)
C. Foreign Language Editions (59)

Section 7. Comic Books (59)
A. Dark Horse Comics (62)
B. IDW Comics (73)
C. Other Licensed Comics (79)
D. Comic Book Art (79)
E. Foreign Language Editions (81)
F. Reviews (83)

Section 8. Audio (85)
A. Audiobooks (85)
B. Soundtrack CDs (85)
C. Reviews (87)

Section 9. Games (88)
A. Board Games (89)
B. Card Games (89)
C. DVD Game (89)
D. Role-Playing Games (89)
E. Video Games (90)
F. Unpublished Projects (91)
G. Reviews (91)

Section 10. Fan Magazines (92)
A. MVP Official Magazines (93)
B. Titan Official Magazines (94)
C. Other Genre Fan Magazines (103)
D. Celebrity Magazines (109)
E. Partworks (110)
F. Foreign Language Magazines (111)

Section 11. Other Licensed Materials (111)
A. Books (112)
B. Promotional Posters (113)
C. Trading Cards (114)
D. Miscellaneous Materials (116)


Section 12. Books (120)
A. General Books (120)
B. Essay Collections (121)
C. Reference, Companion, and Guide Books (122)
D. Biographies of Actors (125)
E. Miscellaneous and Special Interest Books (125)
F. Foreign Language Books (126)
G. Reviews and Review Essays (127)

Section 13. Essays and Book Chapters (131)
A. Reference Book Articles (132)
B. Essays and Book Chapters (133)
C. Foreign Language Essays (190)

Section 14. Journal Articles (191)
A. English Language Articles (192)
B. Foreign Language Articles (222)

Section 15. Magazine Articles (222)

Section 16. News Articles (235)

Section 17. Broadcasts and Documentaries (250)
A. Broadcast Segments (250)
B. Documentaries (251)
C. Reviews (252)

Section 18. Interviews (252)
A. Joss Whedon (253)
B. Television Writers and Producers (257)
C. Actors (258)
D. Television Talk and Comedy Shows (260)
E. Other Creators (261)
F. Collected Interviews and Panel Discussions (261)

Section 19. Dissertations and Theses (262)
A. English Language Dissertations (263)
B. Foreign Language Dissertations and Theses (266)

Section 20. Conference Papers and Reports (267)
A. Academic Conferences and Symposia (267)
B. Conference and Research Papers (268)

Section 21. Derivative Works and Parodies (272)
A. Art and Graphic Design (274)
B. Comic Books and Strips (274)
C. Fan Fiction (275)
D. Fan Vids (277)
E. Live Theatre, Poetry, and Events (279)
F. Movies (279)
G. Music (279)
H. Podcasts and Online Audio (280)
I. Scientific and Technical References (280)
J. Television (281)

Section 22. Websites (282)

Section 23. Bibliographies (284)

Appendix A: Wikipedia (285)
Appendix B: Cast and Creator (292)
Appendix C: Episode Title Index (294)
Index (297)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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