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Pagello, Federico. "From Frank Miller to Zack Snyder, and Return: Contemporary Superhero Comics and Post-classical Hollywood." Miranda 8 2013. Accessed 27Dec. 2013. <>. 
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Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Pagello2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Unbreakable", Adaptation, Film, Film adaptation, Shyamalan. M. Night, Superhero, USA
Creators: Pagello
Collection: Miranda
Views: 37/887
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Film adaptations of superhero comic books offer a particularly rich case study to analyse narrative strategies of contemporary Hollywood cinema. The serial structures adopted by the comics they are based on, as well as their use of the spectacular potential of the image, provide a successful model for current audiovisual productions. Without completely abandoning classical techniques, these adaptations try to find a new balance between narrative and digital phantasmagoria. This paper discusses some significant examples of this genre, including adaptations of classical DC and Marvel franchises and more recent series, as well as other comic-book influenced films such as The Matrix and Unbreakable.

Table of Contents

Comic-book superheroes and the paradoxes of serialisation
– Image and narrative: a fundamental ambivalence
– “Revisionist” superheroes
Comics Narrative and Contemporary Hollywood
– The Matrix
– Unbreakable
Post-classical adaptations of superhero comics
– Golden Age superheroes and (post) classical series
– Endless sagas: from Marvel to “revisionist” series
– Watchmen and the Spirit: Miller and Moore’s superheroes on screen
– Beyond superheroes: Miller’s Sin City and 300

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