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Finn, Richard. "Being “good” in Sin City: Morality, the individual and public authority." Crimeculture Summer 2010. Accessed 12Jan. 2013. <>. 
Added by: joachim (1/12/13, 8:44 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Finn2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Sin City", Crime comics, Discourse analysis, Foucault. Michel, Miller. Frank, USA
Creators: Finn
Collection: Crimeculture
Views: 37/1399
Attachments   URLs   http://www.crimecu ... .com/?page_id=1679
“Following Miller’s (USA Today, 2005) insistence that the narratives of Sin City ‘are morality plays as much as they are love stories and mysteries and crime novels’, and that his characters are ‘heroes’ (MacDonald, 2005: 42), I intend to investigate the problematic moral complexities proposed by the abovementioned moral conflicts. Drawing on Gert’s (2005) conception of morality, I will begin by examining the constitution of the distorted moral situation that Miller proposes as the basis of these problems in terms of the recurring noir theme of the ‘ill-fated relationship between the protagonist and society’ (Horsley, 2010: 137), before applying Foucault’s theories of discourse to the analysis of the discursive construction of this relationship, focusing in particular on the discursive delineation of the individual. Finally I will examine the formal and generic influence of noir and “comics” (McCloud, 1993:passim) on the presentation and interpretation of the moral situation.”
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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