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Thurman, Kevin and Julian Darius. Voyage in Noise: Warren Ellis and the Demise of Western Civilization. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2013. 
Added by: joachim (6/15/11, 11:05 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/24/16, 10:22 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1940589010
BibTeX citation key: Thurman2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Ellis. Warren, Interview, United Kingdom
Creators: Darius, Thurman
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 13/1080
Through works like Transmetropolitan, Planetary, and The Authority, Warren Ellis has changed the history of comic books. In this book, Kevin Thurman and Julian Darius examine Ellis’s body of work, exploring (among other topics) how his early work for Marvel Comics prefigures the concerns of his later work, how his super-heroes respond to comics history, his use of religion, his use of violence, his fascination with lizards (and what they reveal about the human condition), and how his characters often use anger as a stimulus for revolutionary social action, in defiance of the West’s 21st-century malaise. Topical interviews with Ellis complement several essays, expanding the reader’s understanding of the themes in Ellis’s work.

Table of Contents

“Corpses and Lightning”: Warren Ellis, Alchemist and Artist (1)
Interview: Warren Ellis on Frankenstein’s Womb and Mad Scientists (12)
Recross: Identity and Actions in Warren Ellis’s Early Marvel Work (15)
Interview: Warren Ellis on His Early Work (23)
Fantasies Fun and “Anti-Evolutionary”: Warren Ellis and Revisionism (31)
Interview: Warren Ellis on Super-Heroes (53)
The Human Infection: Lizard Brains and Colonizing Beauties (58)
Complex Realities: The Rising Tide of Simulacra (70)
What Have Our Heroes Done?: Detached Violence and the Scope of Terror (85)
Interview: Warren Ellis on Violence (96)
Exposed Skin: Super-Heroes and the Seduction of Symbols (98)
“If I’d Flown Her”: Warren Ellis and the Fantastic Four (110)
Men Made of Broccoli: Nextwave and Satire (118)
Interview: Warren Ellis on Nextwave (125)
The 4000 Hearts of God: Warren Ellis Deconstructs God and the Devil (128)
Interview: Warren Ellis on Religion (138)
Dreams of Murder: Anger as a Force for Change and Hope (140)
Interview: Warren Ellis on “the Unfinished Business of the 20th Century” (154)

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