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Walker, Cody, ed. Keeping the World Strange: A Planetary Guide. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2011. 
Added by: joachim (6/15/11, 11:01 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/30/13, 12:16 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781466353459
BibTeX citation key: Walker2011a
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Planetary", Cassaday. John, Collection of essays, Ellis. Warren, Superhero, United Kingdom, USA
Creators: Walker
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 16/1078
A snowflake that describes the multiverse. A team of archaeologists with a mystery benefactor. A century of pulp heroes, atomic ants, kung-fu ghosts, and ships that sail between universes. Villains who hide these wonders from a world they have sold to an unfathomable alien intelligence. And the man, born with the 20th century, who alone can save the world … and his lost friend.
These are the elements of Planetary. In telling its story, creators Warren Ellis and John Cassaday uncovered the secret history of the super-hero genre and helped point towards its future, as well as — just perhaps — our own.
Keeping the World Strange: A Planetary Guide excavates all of this, as well as future studies, revisionism, decompression, whether the characters are proactive or reactive, and other topics. This book offers an archaeology of the archaeologists, and its essays allow us to see the snowflake-like structure of the series from new angles. Planetary lives and grows in these pages.

Table of Contents

Cody Walker: Introduction (1)

Kevin Thurman: We Contain Universes: The Delicately Spinning Reality of the Snowflake (4)
Andy Richardson: Surfing Through Planetary: The Characters Behind the Fiction (15)
Cody Walker: The Secret History of the WildStorm Universe (25)
Chad Nevett: When Third is Fourth: The Mystery of the Fourth Man (36)
Timothy Callahan: Bleeding Between the Lines: Planetary and Vertigo (45)
Julian Darius: “The Hidden Wonders of the World”: Planetary and Reconstructionism (54)
Caleb Stokes: Archeologists, Architects, and Acolytes: Reading Futures Studies in Planetary (80)
Ross Payton: The Monster Within: Examining Monstruous Archetypes in Planetary (96)
Patrick Meaney: Planetary and Decompression (106)
Peter Sanderson: The Ideal and the Strange: Order Vs. Freedom in Planetary (117)
A. David Lewis: The Man Who Knows the Game (133)
Chad Nevett: Apocrypha or Canon? Fitting the Three Crossover One-Shots into Planetary (151)

Julian Darius: Appendix: Sequencing Planetary (164)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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