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McLean, Thomas J. Mutant Cinema: The X-Men Trilogy from Comics to Screen. Sequart Journal. 2nd ed. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (11/12/10, 4:10 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780615186900
BibTeX citation key: McLean2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "X-Men", Adaptation, Film adaptation, Superhero, USA
Creators: McLean
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 19/1118
Since X-Men first wowed audiences, it and its sequels have proven incredibly popular, paving the way for a wave of Hollywood comic-book adaptations. Mutant Cinema is the definitive, totally unauthorized study of the original movie trilogy, tracing its origins, history, and impact … from the very first issue of the comic book through the final moments of The Last Stand – and beyond.
Within these pages, readers will find detailed, scene-by-scene examinations of all three films, revealing the comic-book stories that infuse every aspect of the movies. Readers will also learn about each film's development process (including behind-the-scenes stories), omitted scenes and storylines, critical and fan reception, and box-office performance. Also included is a brief history of X-Men comics, a history of previous adaptations (including early cartoon appearances, the successful 1990s animated series, and initial attempts to bring the X-Men to the big screen), what the future may hold for the franchise, and tips on some essential X-Men reading.

Table of Content

Introduction (1)
A Brief History of X-Men Comic Books (7)
Previous Adaptations of the X-Men (33)
Development of X-Men (41)
X-Men Prequel Comics (47)
X-Men (2000) (57)
– Act 1 (58)
– Act 2 (78)
– Act 3 (96)
– Epilogues (107)
Reaction to X-Men (111)
Box Office for X-Men (117)
Development of X2 (121)
X2 Prequel Comics (127)
X2 (2003) (133)
– Act 1 (133)
– Act 2 (161)
– Act 3 (175)
Reaction to X2 (195)
Box Office for X2 (199)
Development of X-Men: The Last Stand (203)
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) (209)
– Act 1 (210)
– Act 2 (238)
– Act 3 (247)
Reaction to X-Men: The Last Stand (263)
Box Office for X-Men:The Last Stand (269)
The Franchise’s Legacy and Future (275)
Further Reading (281)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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