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Schodt, Frederik L. The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution. Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 2007. 
Added by: joachim (9/16/10, 1:13 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1933330546
BibTeX citation key: Schodt2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Astro Boy", Collection of essays, Japan, Manga, Tezuka. Osamu
Creators: Schodt
Publisher: Stone Bridge Press (Berkeley)
Views: 25/1021
Osamu Tezuka (1928–89) was the pioneering genius of manga and TV animation in Japan, and Tetsuwan Atomu, or Mighty Atom, known in the United States as Astro Boy, is his life’s masterwork. Tetsuwan Atomu is the enduring story about a cute little android who yearns to be more human. The history of its creation and production—and Tezuka’s role in it—is as much a road map to understanding the development of the twin powerhouse media of manga and anime in the United States, as it is the story of Tezuka’s creativity and dedication. Japan expert Frederik L. Schodt examines Tezuka’s life, the art of animation, the connection between fantasy robots and technology, spin-offs, and Astro Boy’s cultural impact. Includes over 40 black-and-white images and 16 pages of full-color Astro Boy art!

Table of Contents

Introduction (vii)

1. A National Icon (3)
2. How “Mighty Atom” Came to Be (16)
3. Designing a World (34)
4. Mighty Atom, TV Star (55)
5. Go, Go, GO Astro Boy! (76)
6. An Interface between Man and Robot (98)
7. A Medley of Messages (119)
8. A Complicated Relationship (145)

Afterword (167)
Appendix A: Japanese and English Manga Titles (177)
Appendix B: Japanese and English Animation Episode Titles (185)
Notes (197)
Bibliography (204)
Index (212)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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