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Hernández, María Lorenzo. "A Film of One’s Own: The Animated Self-Portraits of Young Contemporary Female Animators." Animation 5. (2010): 73–90. 
Added by: joachim (8/11/10, 1:09 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1177/1746847709358638
BibTeX citation key: Hernandez2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Persepolis", Adaptation, Animation, Authorship, Autobiography, Film adaptation, France, Gender, Iran, Satrapi. Marjane
Creators: Hernández
Collection: Animation
Views: 48/1466
This article analyses animated self-portraits created by contemporary young and emerging women in animation, and elucidates significant differences between this new generation of women animators and previous ones. Through their animated self-portraits, the animatrices from previous decades explored their own identity as women and artists, developing new discourses and models for a subgenre that existed from the early days of cinema animation. But the animated female self-portrayal of the new generation comes closer to documentary and has more universal concerns, appealing to a wider audience and reaching theatrical distribution; Marjane Satrapi’s feature-length animation film Persepolis (2007) exemplifies this and is a focus of the article.
Added by: joachim  
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