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Dobrivojevic, Ivana. "Cartoons as a Powerful Propaganda Tool: Creating the Images of East and West in the Yugoslav Satirical Press." Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence. Eds. Richard Scully and Marian Quartly. Clayton: Monash Univ. ePress, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (2/9/10, 3:53 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/12/14, 5:21 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.2104/dl090010
BibTeX citation key: Dobrivojevic2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Caricature, Journalism, Propaganda, Randformen des Comics, Satire, Yugoslavia
Creators: Dobrivojevic, Quartly, Scully
Publisher: Monash Univ. ePress (Clayton)
Collection: Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence
Views: 42/1557
Attachments   URLs   http://books.publi ... tml/chapter10.html
This chapter aims to explore the remarkable turnaround in Yugoslav cartoons in the pivotal years of 1948–1952, when conflicts within the COMINFORM produced a reorientation of criticism away from America and the West and towards the Soviet Union and Eastern bloc. The chapter focuses on the cartoons published in the Belgrade journal Jez (Hedgehog), in all their Manichean, schematic, even vulgar form. Discourses on ‘western imperialism’ were used as a basis for the new, anti-Soviet cartooning, as they provided ready-made templates for the criticism of Yugoslavia’s external enemies. It is interesting to note that the heaviest criticism was in many cases reserved not for the USSR itself, but for Yugoslavia’s Communist neighbours in Bulgaria and Albania – displaying a complexity and multi-polarity of thought which has seldom been recognised, in a period often characterised solely as a bipolar East/West dichotomy.
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