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Sleight, Simon. "Wavering between Virtue and Vice: Constructions of Youth in Australian Cartoons of the Late-Victorian Era." Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence. Eds. Richard Scully and Marian Quartly. Clayton: Monash Univ. ePress, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (2/9/10, 3:34 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (2/12/14, 6:00 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.2104/dl090005
BibTeX citation key: Sleight2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: Australia, Caricature, History, Politics, Randformen des Comics, Youth culture
Creators: Quartly, Scully, Sleight
Publisher: Monash Univ. ePress (Clayton)
Collection: Drawing the Line. Using Cartoons as Historical Evidence
Views: 33/1479
Attachments   URLs   http://books.publi ... tml/chapter05.html
This chapter examines issues of embodiment, exploring the ways in which cartoonists have employed metaphors of youthfulness to broach society’s leading questions. Focusing specifically on cartoons concerning Australian topics in the late-Victorian period, the analysis exposes a dichotomy between those who regarded youth as a realm of possibility and those for whom youth represented weakness or failing. Analysing the visual currency of youth casts light not only upon the use of characterisation to convey meaning but also upon a series of contemporary colonial debates ranging from familial domestic dramas to the interactions of a politically incipient Australian nation with its longer-established imperial ‘parents’.
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