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Meaney, Patrick. Our Sentence is Up: Seeing Grant Morrison's The Invisibles. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (11/10/09, 7:04 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (11/12/10, 4:43 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9780578032337
BibTeX citation key: Meaney2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Invisibles", Interview, Morrison. Grant, United Kingdom
Creators: Meaney
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 36/1065
Grant Morrison's The Invisibles has been hailed as a seminal comic series, as the key to understanding the themes and philosophy that underline virtually everything else he's written, and as the inspiration for The Matrix and countless other works that followed in its wake. But it's also frequently written off as incomprehensible, or just too out there.
Our Sentence is Up sets out to open up The Invisibles through an in-depth, issue-by-issue analysis of the series, drawing attention to key moments and the way themes are developed throughout the series, as well as making sense of the series's fractured chronology and delirious blend of fiction and reality. The book also explores the real-world relevance of the series's themes and the way that much of the fictional conspiracy theory from the series became reality in the 2000s.
Written in a conversational, accessible style, the book is the perfect companion to a reread of the series, giving readers one interpretation of the series and guiding them in developing their own.
The book also features a wide-ranging interview with Grant Morrison, stretching from the formative childhood experiences that found their way into the series, through the psychedelic '90s, when his life and the series became inextricably intertwined. The interview also explores Morrison's thoughts on the series in retrospect, its relevance to the War on Terror era and the new Obama presidency, what he currently thinks will happen in 2012, and where he'll be when it goes down.

Table of Contents

Timothy Callahan: “Different Every Time”: An Introduction (1)
And So We Return and Begin Again (8)

Volume One (17)
Groundwork: “Down and Out in Heaven and Hell” (18)
Eternity in the Past: “Arcadia” (36)
Three Shorts: A Look at What Could Have Been (57)
The Metamorphosis: “Sheman” (67)
The Moment of Impact: “Entropy in the U.K.” (78)
Reluctant Warriors: The Rest of the Volume (92)

Volume Two (111)
Hits Like the Atom Bomb: “Black Science” (112)
Universal Travelers (131)
Electric Light Bulb Gods: “Sensitive Criminals” (142)
Shadowboxers: “American Death Camp” (155)
Controlling the Hallucination (167)
A Dream America: “Black Science 2” (178)

Volume Three (213)
The Original James Bonds: “Satanstorm” (214)
Ripples in Time: “Karmageddon” (230)
Jammed Up: “The Invisible Kingdom” (245)
The Final Issue and the Series in Retrospect (264)

Our Sentence is Up (282)
Grant Morrison Interview (286)
About the Author (355)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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