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Callahan, Timothy, ed. Teenagers from the Future: Essays on the Legion of Super-Heroes. Sequart Journal. Edwardsville: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008. 
Added by: joachim (11/10/09, 6:35 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (11/12/10, 4:54 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0615203221
BibTeX citation key: Callahan2008
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Legion of Super-Heroes", Collection of essays, Superhero, USA
Creators: Callahan
Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (Edwardsville)
Views: 18/839
For 50 years, the Legion of Super-Heroes has occupied its own, vital corner of the DC Universe – and comics fandom. The Legion’s expansive cast, bizarre characters, futuristic setting, extended storylines, and elaborate continuity all set it apart from other super-hero comics.
This essay collection, from fans and scholars alike, is as diverse as Legion history. Essays examine significant runs (by Jim Shooter, Paul Levitz, and Keith Giffen); the Legion’s science, architecture, and fashion; the role of women, homosexuality, and race; the early Legion’s classical adaptations, teenage cruelty, and relation to the early Justice League; Lightning Lad’s death and resurrection; whether the Legion should be allowed to age; the Amethyst saga; the themes of the reboot Legion; and the so-called Threeboot’s relationship to adult adolescence and generational theory.

Table of Contents

Matt Fraction: Foreword (1)
Timothy Callahan: Introduction (4)
Richard Bensam: The Perfect Storm: The Death and Resurrection of Lightning Lad (9)
John G. Hemry: Liberating the Future: Women in the Early Legion (37)
Christopher Barbee: The Silver Age Legion: Adventure into the Classics (49)
Chris Sims: The (Often Arbitrary) Rules of the Legion (59)
Jeff Barbanell: Shooter’s Marvelesque (64)
James Kakalios: The Legion’s Super-Science (86)
Scipio Garling: Bridging Past and Present with the Future: The Early Legion and the JLA (100)
Sara K. Ellis: Decades Ahead of Us to Get It Right: Architecture and Utopia (113)
Greg Gildersleeve: Those Legionnaires Should Just Grow Up! (126)
Timothy Callahan: Thomas, Altman, Levitz, and the 30th Century (136)
Lanny Rose: The Amethyst Connection (166)
Julian Darius: Revisionism, Radical Experimentation, and Dystopia in Giffen’s Legion (179)
Alan Williams: Coming Out of Future Closets: Gender Identity and Homosexuality in the Legion (231)
Matthew Elmslie: Diversity and Evolution in the Reboot Legion (248)
Martín A. Pérez: Fashion from the Future, or “I Swear, Computo Forced Me To Wear This!” (267)
Matthew Elmslie: Generational Theory and the Waid Threeboot (290)
Paul Lytle: A Universe in Adolescence (301)
Jae Bryson: The Racial Politics of the Legion (315)
Barry Lyga: Afterword (326)
About the Contributors (331)
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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