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Valencia-García, Louie Dean. Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain: Clashing with Fascism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. 
Added by: joachim (1/8/20, 11:35 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/8/20, 11:49 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781350038479
BibTeX citation key: ValenciaGarcia2018
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Superman", Reception, Spain (country), Superhero, USA, Youth culture
Creators: Valencia-García
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (New York)
Views: 13/995
How did kids, hippies and punks challenge a fascist dictatorship and imagine an impossible dream of an inclusive future? This book explores the role of youth in shaping a democratic Spain, focusing on their urban performances of dissent, their consumption of censored literature, political-literary magazines and comic books and their involvement in a newly developed underground scene.
After forty years of dictatorship, Madrid became the centre of both a young democracy and a vibrant artistic scene by the early 1980s. Louie Dean Valencia-García skillfully examines how young Spaniards occupied public plazas, subverted Spanish cultural norms and undermined the authoritarian state by participating in a postmodern punk subculture that eventually grew into the ‘Movida Madrileña’. In doing so, he exposes how this antiauthoritarian youth culture reflected a mixture of sexual liberation, a rejection of the ideological indoctrination of the dictatorship, a reinvention of native Iberian pluralistic traditions and a burgeoning global youth culture that connected the USA, Britain, France and Spain.
By analyzing young people’s everyday acts of resistance, Antiauthoritarian Youth Culture in Francoist Spain offers a fascinating account of Madrid’s youth and their role in the transition to the modern Spanish democracy.

Table of contents

Acknowledgements (ix)
List of Illustrations (xi)
Preface: Indignant Youth (xvii)

An Introduction (1)

1. Making a Scene (7)
2. To Study is to Serve Spain (32)
3. The Revolt of the Youth (67)
4. Truth, Justice and the American Way in Spain (96)
5. The Penetration of Franco’s Spain (114)
6. Clashing with Fascism (136)
7. Madrid Kills Me (175)

Epilogue: Uncertain Times (193)

Notes (195)
Bibliography (222)
Index (244)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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