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Oksman, Tahneer and Andrew O’Malley, eds. The Comics of Julie Doucet and Gabrielle Bell: A Place inside Yourself. Critical Approaches to Comics Artists. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2019. 
Added by: joachim (2/25/19, 1:57 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/6/19, 5:32 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781496820570
BibTeX citation key: Oksman2019
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Categories: General
Keywords: Autobiography, Bell. Gabrielle, Canada, Collection of essays, Doucet. Julie, Gender, Interview, USA
Creators: O’Malley, Oksman
Publisher: Univ. Press of Mississippi (Jackson)
Views: 10/818
In a self-reflexive way, Julie Doucet’s and Gabrielle Bell’s comics defy easy categorization. In this volume, editors Tahneer Oksman and Seamus O’Malley regard Doucet’s and Bell’s art as actively feminist, not only because they offer women’s perspectives, but because they do so by provocatively bringing up the complicated, multivalent frameworks of such engagements. While each artist has a unique perspective, style, and worldview, the essays in this book investigate their shared investments in formal innovation and experimentation, and in playing with questions of the autobiographical, the fantastic, and the spaces in between.
Doucet is a Canadian underground cartoonist, known for her autobiographical works such as Dirty Plotte and My New York Diary. Meanwhile, Bell is a British American cartoonist best known for her intensely introspective semiautobiographical comics and graphic memoirs, such as the Lucky series and Cecil and Jordan in New York. By pairing Doucet alongside Bell, the book recognizes the significance of female networks, and the social and cultural connections, associations, and conditions that shape every work of art.
In addition to original essays, this volume republishes interviews with the artists. By reading Doucet’s and Bell’s comics together in this volume housed in a series devoted to single-creator studies, the book shows how despite the importance of finding “a place inside yourself” to create, this space seems always for better or worse a shared space culled from and subject to surrounding lives, experiences, and subjectivities.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)
Tahneer Oksman: Introduction: A Shared Space (xi)

Margaret Galvan: From Julie Doucet to Gabrielle Bell: Feminist Genealogies of Comics Anthologies (3)
Jessica Stark: My Most Secret Boredom: (Dis)Affective Narrative in Julie Doucet’s “A Day in Julie Doucet’s Life” And Hergé’s “Adventures With Tintin: The Broken Ear” (23)

Natalie Pendergast: Julie Doucet’s “Monkey and the Living Dead” as Subliminal Autobiography (47)
Sarah Hildebrand: Ghost Cats and the Specter of Self: Telling Trauma in the Works of Gabrielle Bell (75)

Transgressive Aesthetics
Sarah Richardson: A Very Dirty Word: Cuteness as Affective Strategy in the Comics of Julie Doucet (97)
Kylie Cardell: Drawn to Life: The Diary as Method and Politics in the Comics Art of Gabrielle Bell and Julie Doucet (122)

Communal Visions
Frederik Byrn Køhlert: “At This Point I Become Real”: “Experimental Autobiography” in Julie Doucet and Michel Gondry’s Comics/Video Hybrid My New New York Diary (145)
Seamus O'Malley: "Everyone Looks Through Peepholes": Voyeurism in The Voyeurs (164)

Dan Nadel: A Good Life: The Julie Doucet Interview (189)
Annie Mok: The Starting Point: An Interview with Julie Doucet (197)
James Yeh: Sometimes in Reality You Kick the Football: A Conversation with Gabrielle Bell (206)
Aaron Cometbus: Gabrielle Bell (218)
Annie Mok: A Talk with Gabrielle Bell (225)

Contributor Biographies (232)
Index (235)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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