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Korneliussen, Ina. "Tegneseriens narrative virkemidler: Eksemplificeret ved analyse af to værker af Jason." Speciale Aalborg Universitet, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (3/14/15, 1:31 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (3/19/15, 10:16 AM)
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: da: dansk
BibTeX citation key: Korneliussen2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Lomma full av regn", "Si meg en ting", Jason, Narratology, Norway
Creators: Korneliussen
Publisher: Aalborg Universitet (Aalborg)
Views: 25/1126
Attachments   URLs   http://projekter.a ... 16292cbfb2%29.html
The purpose of this master’s thesis is to investigate the narrative means specific to comics. The investigation is based mainly on the theories by Scott McCloud and Thierry Groensteen, and I exemplify with analysis of Pocket full of rain (1995) and Tell me something (2000) by Norwegian comic book artist Jason. Though many identities in theme and plot, these comics present very different uses of the narrative means, and can thus be used to examine the narrative means from different angles.
Based on the definitions of comics proposed by McCloud and Groensteen, I find that there are at least three levels of narrative means specific to comics: the images, the spatial relations (page layout) and the causal relations (which are primarily sequential). Furthermore, I include the verbal as a fourth level in my system of terminology.
The images are the material comics are made of, and I explain their functions as a part of the narrative project and how these functions motivates certain characteristics of the narrative drawing. Furthermore, I examine the use of various styles in comics and how the reader identifies with the cartoon. In my view, the verbal is not a defining trait, but still words play an important role in the narration of many comics. I investigate the relationship between words and pictures using Barthes’ concepts anchorage and relay and McCloud’s word/picture combinations. Page layout is investigated from Groensteen’s idea about the spatio-topical apparatus. I investigate the functions of the panel, the frames, and the balloons and of the page layout as a whole. The sequential relations between the panels are the level where the narrative project is carried out. McCloud explains how the sequences give meaning through the concept of closure and set up categories of transitions based on degrees of closure. Groensteen states that the narrative structures do not have to be linear and discursive, they can be based on translinear relations and “braiding” as well.
Jason’s Pocket full of rain is a bittersweet love story. Drawn in a realistic style with occasional use of a cartoony style, the images thematise their own credibility. Likewise, the use of the verbal adds ambiguousity to the narrative. The page layout as well as the sequences adds to a fragmentary narrative style, which prompts the reader to draw her own conclusions. The story is contained in a “frame narrative” about the victim of a hired killer, and involves various genre tropes, such as zombies and aliens, and is hereby constantly questioning the credibility of the diegesis. The metafictive dimension is generally supported by the ambiguous use of the narrative means.
Tell me something, also a love story, presents a very minimalistic use of the narrative means. The style is very simplistic, the page layout is mainly plain regular, and the verbal is almost entirely left out! The silent comic genre is here combined with elements from silent film, such as slapstick comedy. The story consists of two parallel narrative courses, which are linked on many levels and can be read as one. The plot is based on a melodramatic model which stands opposed to the iconographic style and the impassive faces. To sum up, my analysis shows that the narrative means of the images, the verbal, the page layout and the sequential relations are intersecting and should not be regarded separately. In any analysis of a comic, all four levels of narrative means must be considered. Comics are not just a mixture of word and image, but constitute a unique language of its own.


Forord (4)

Indledning (5)
Jason – en ener på tegneseriescenen (5)
McCloud og Groensteen (6)
Min fremgangsmåde (8)

De første skridt mod forståelse (10)
Forskning i tegneserier (10)
Ord og billeder (12)
Sameksistens i tid og rum (14)
Tegneseriens mange former (16)

Tegneseriens narrative virkemidler
Billederne (19)
– Tegneseriebilledets funktioner (19)
– Den narrative tegning (21)
– Tegneseriens mange stilarter (21)
– Cartoonen (24)
Det verbale (28)
– Sprog og stil (29)
– Forankring og afløsning (29)
– Information og diegese (31)
Sidelayoutet (33)
– Panelet (34)
– Rammen (35)
– Taleboblen (37)
– Andre spatio-topikale parametre (38)
– Sidelayoutets funktioner (39)
Sekvenser og sammenhænge (43)
– Det gådefulde mellemrum (44)
– Arthrologi (46)

Analyse: Lomma full av regn
Billederne (51)
– Tegningernes troværdighed (51)
Det verbale (54)
– Løsrevne talebobler og dobbelttydig dialog (54)
Sidelayoutet (58)
– De regulære layout og deres betydning (58)
– Panoramaeffekten (60)
Sekvenser og sammenhænge (63)
– Aspekt-til-aspekt-overgange (64)
– Sceneskift (65)
– Den mystiske mand på jordomrejse (67)
Temaer og motiver (69)
– Det tilfældige møde (69)
– Fantasi og virkelighed (69)
– Kærligheden og døden (72)

Analyse: Si meg en ting
Billederne (76)
– Udtryksløse ansigter (77)
– Stilisering af miljøet (78)
Det verbale (81)
– En pantomime med ord (81)
Sidelayoutet (83)
– Regulært sidelayout med få undtagelser (83)
– Mellemteksterne (84)
Sekvenser og sammenhænge (85)
– Fortid og fremtid (86)
Temaer og motiver (88)
– Helte og skurke (88)
– Det filmiske (90)
– Det grafiske (91)

Konklusion (93)
Fire niveauer af narrative virkemidler (93)
Virkemidlerne i praksis (95)
Muligheder og begrænsninger (97)

English abstract (98)
Litteratur (100)
Illustrationer (102)
Bilag: Registrering af sekvenser og overgange (104)
– Lomma full av regn (104)
– Si meg en ting (106)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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