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Davis, Julie. "Both Everyman and Other: “Dilbert” as an Exemplar of Newspaper Comics’ Simultaneous Identification and Distance." International Journal of Comic Art 11. (2009): 176–94.   
Added by: Deleted user 30/11/2009, 14:24
Davis, Julie. "Power to the Cubicle Dwellers: An Ideological Reading of Dilbert." Comics & Ideology. Eds. Matthew P. McAllister, Edward H. Sewell, Jr. and Ian Gordon. Popular Culture and Everyday Life. 2001. 275–300.   
Added by: joachim   Last edited by: joachim 08/05/2010, 23:45
Tormey, Warren. "Discipline and Dilbert." Studies in Popular Culture 21. (1998): 13–29.   
Added by: joachim 14/02/2010, 14:34
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