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Ludwig, Christian and Frank Erik Pointner, eds. Teaching Comics in the Foreign Language Classroom. WVT-Handbücher zur Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2013. 
Added by: joachim (5/8/14, 2:25 PM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-3-86821-484-0
BibTeX citation key: Ludwig2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Didactics
Creators: Ludwig, Pointner
Publisher: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier (Trier)
Views: 13/1022
Although comics have become an essential part of the university curricula, schools are still reluctant as far as the use of graphic fiction in the classroom is concerned. This book is meant to contribute to the efforts to close the gap that still exists between secondary and tertiary education when it comes to taking account of one of the most popular cultural manifestations. It will do so by concentrating on the use of comics in diverse learning and teaching scenarios at primary and secondary levels. Consequently, the present volume will provide a general introduction to the teaching of the comic medium in its own right. Most of all, it combines current approaches to EFL methodology such as CLIL and intercultural communication and how comic books can contribute to the success of learner-centred language learning.

Table of Contents

Jeremy Harmer: Foreword (vii)
Christian Ludwig and Frank Erik Pointner: Preface (ix)

Christian Ludwig and Frank Erik Pointner: Introduction (1)
Bernd Rüschoff: Comics in Language Learning: The Pedagogical, Didactic, and Methodological Framework (5)
Frank Erik Pointner: Teaching Comics as Comics (27)
Katja Heim: Comics in Young Learners’ English Lessons – An Important Aid for Meaning-Making and More (69)
Dominik Rumlich: The Benefits of Comics for Language. Learning at the Lower Secondary Level: A Practical Approach (95)
Sandra Eva Boschenhoff: Teaching Literature the Graphic Way: How Comic Adaptations Can Support the Reading of Literature (125)
Pascal Fischer: Shakespeare Comics in the Classroom (155)
Maria Eisenmann: Shadows and Superheroes in 9/11 Graphic Novels (183)
Christian Ludwig: The Reconstruction of Inter- and Transcultural Spaces in Adrian Tomine’s and Toufic El Rassis’s Graphic Novels (213)
Claudia Drawe: South Africa's Living Icon in a Comic – Nelson Mandela (249)
Julian Sudhoff: Comics in the Content and Language Integrated Classroom – Exploring Synergies (271)

Christian Ludwig and Frank Erik Pointner: Annotated Bibliography (303)
Christopher Stolarski: Glossary (308)

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