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Fraser, Benjamin. Disability Studies and Spanish Culture: Films, Novels, the Comic and the Public Exhibition. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013. 
Added by: joachim (9/13/13, 8:47 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/23/20, 8:16 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781846318702
BibTeX citation key: Fraser2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: "María y yo", Disability, Gallardo. Miguel Ángel, Spain (country)
Creators: Fraser
Publisher: Univ. of Chicago Press (Chicago)
Views: 10/931
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Disability Studies and Spanish Culture is the first book to apply the tenets of disability studies—in particular the study of mental disabilities—to Spanish cultural contexts, offering an assessment of disability as it is engaged by Spanish films, novels, comics, and other artworks. Innovatively bringing disability theory into dialogue with film and literary analysis, Benjamin Fraser shows how formal aspects of art and media in Spain highlight, frame, inform, and are informed by contemporary disability legislation there, as well as by disability advocacy, cultural perception, and social integration. By using the specific context of Spanish culture, he outlines broader shifts in social attitudes and theoretical understandings of disability.

Table of Contents


1. Filming Down Syndrome
Yo, también (2009) and the Political Project of Disability Studies
Deciphering the Mixed Messages of Léon y Olvido (2004)

2. Envisioning Autism
Miguel Gallardo’s Comic María y yo (2007)
Félix Fernández de Castro’s Documentary María y yo (2010)

3. Narrating Childhood Disability
Salvador García Jiménez’s Novel Angelicomio (1981)
Màrius Serra’s Autobiographical Novel Quieto (2008)

4. Documenting Cognitive Disability
¿Qué tienes debajo del sombrero? (2006) by Lola Barrera and Iñaki Peñafiel
Más allá del espejo (2007) by Joaquín Jordà

Epilogue: Exhibiting Art
‘Trazos Singulares’ (2011) at the Nuevos Ministerios Metro Station
‘Supergestor’ (2011) and Other Comics by the Grupo AMÁS
Associación Argadini’s Literary Contests (2008–2010)


Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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