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Coker, Catherine. "Earth 616, Earth 1610, Earth 3490—Wait, what universe is this again? The creation and evolution of the Avengers and Captain America/Iron Man fandom." Transformative Works and Cultures 13 2013. Accessed 17Jun. 2013. <http://journal.transfor ... wc/article/view/439/363>. 
Added by: joachim (6/17/13, 11:49 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (6/17/13, 11:51 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.3983/twc.2013.0439
BibTeX citation key: Coker2013
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Captain America", "Iron Man", "The Avengers", Adaptation, Canon, Fandom, Film adaptation, Gender, Superhero, USA
Creators: Coker
Collection: Transformative Works and Cultures
Views: 16/1525
Attachments   URLs   http://journal.tra ... ticle/view/439/363
This essay surveys the creation and evolution of the Captain America/Iron Man or Steve/Tony ship in Avengers fandom, from its origin in comics to its reinterpretation by fandom through the recent movies, and discusses how the alternate universe trope in both canon and fanon is used to make a case for the pairing.
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