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Wertham, Fredric. The World of Fanzines: A Special Form of Communication. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Pr. 1973. 
Added by: joachim (3/7/13, 2:45 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/7/24, 3:57 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0-8093-2942-5
BibTeX citation key: Wertham1973
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Categories: General
Keywords: Fandom, USA, Wertham. Fredric, Zine
Creators: Wertham
Publisher: Southern Illinois University Pr. (Carbondale)
Views: 23/1063
There are well over 200 fanzines in current distribution, originating in al­most every state in the U.S. as well as in Canada, England, Germany, Ireland, Spain, and Sweden. This is the first book about them.
Few persons outside the science fiction field (where, historically, fanzine publication appears to have begun) know the meaning of the portmanteau word, fan­zine (amateur fan plus magazine).
Fanzines are published, written, and illustrated by young persons, usually well under 30, and bear such names as ANDROmeda, BeABohema, Comickazi, Granfalloon, and Varolika. The history of the genre is brief, dating from the 1930s, but many of the publishers and contrib­utors have achieved considerable distinc­tion as writers, including Poul Anderson, Ray Bradbury, and Richard Lupoff.
Coming to this serious study of an unu­sual subject with his considerable expertise in the field of violence, Dr. Wertham has been struck, first, by the nonviolent, creative aspects of the genre and, second, by the amateur status of fanzines. His con­clusion, which will surprise many readers, is that herein may lie a message for our unheroic age.
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