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White, Mark D., ed. Iron Man and Philosophy: Facing the Stark Reality. Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture. Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. 
Added by: joachim (1/30/12, 7:27 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (4/20/13, 7:54 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0470482184
BibTeX citation key: White2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Iron Man", Collection of essays, Philosophy, Superhero, USA
Creators: White
Publisher: Wiley (Hoboken)
Views: 8/1190
On the surface, Iron Man appears to be a straightforward superhero, another rich guy fighting crime with fancy gadgets. But beneath the shiny armor and flashy technology lies Tony Stark, brilliant inventor and eccentric playboy, struggling to balance his desires, addictions, and relationships with his duties as the Armored Avenger. Iron Man and Philosophy explores the many philosophical issues that emerge from the essential conflicts found in the decades of Iron Man stories in comics and movies. What kind of moral compass does Tony Stark have? Is Iron Man responsible for the death of Captain America after the Marvel Universe “Civil War”? Should people like Stark run the world? How does Tony’s alcoholism impact his performance as Iron Man, and what does it say about moral character? Ultimately, what can Iron Man teach us about the role of technology in society?
As absorbing as Iron Man comic books and movies, Iron Man and Philosophy:
  • Gives you a new perspective on Iron Man characters, story lines, and themes
  • Shows what philosophical heavy hitters such as Aristotle, Locke, and Heidegger can teach us about Tony Stark/Iron Man
  • Considers issues such as addiction, personal responsibility, the use of technology, and the role of government

Table of Contents

Iron Introductions and Armored Acknowledgments (1)

I. The Nuts and Bolts of Tony Stark (5)
1. George A. Dunn: The Stark Madness of Technology (7)
2. Rocco Gangle: The Technological Subversion of Technology: Tony Stark, Heidegger, and the Subject of Resistance (25)
3. Travis N. Rieder: The Literal Making of a Superhero (38)

II. Wearing the Armor Responsibly (51)
4. Christopher Robichaud: Can Iron Man Atone for Tony Stark’s Wrongs? (53)
5. Mark D. White: Did Iron Man Kill Captain America? (64)
6. Ron Novy: Fate at the Bottom of a Bottle: Alcohol and Tony Stark (80)

III. The Iron Age: Tony Stark’s Role In Society (95)
7. Andrew Terjesen: Tony Stark and “the Gospel of Wealth” (97)
8. Daniel P. Malloy: ™ and © Stark industries: Iron Man and Property Rights (115)
9. Tony Spanakos: Tony Stark, Philosopher King of the Future? (129)

IV. The Mind Inside the Iron Man (145)
10. Ron Novy: Iron Man in a Chinese Room: Does Living Armor Think? (147)
11. Phillip S. Seng: Flexing His Intelligence: Tony Stark’s Brainy Brawn (160)
12. Mark D. White: Does Tony Stark Have an Iron Will? (172)

V. The Virtue of an Avenger (187)
13. Sarah K. Donovan and Nicholas P. Richardson: Does Tony Stark use a moral compass? (189)
14. Carsten Fogh Nielsen: Flawed Heroes and Courageous Villains: Plato, Aristotle, and Iron Man on the Unity of the Virtues (201)
15. Stephanie Patterson and Brett Patterson: “I Have a Good Life”: Iron Man and the Avenger School of Virtue (217)

VI. What It Means to be an Iron Man (231)
16. David Valleau Curtis: Iron Man and the Problem of Progress (233)
17. Rebecca Housel and Gary Housel: Engendering Justice in Iron Man (245)
18. Stephen Faller: Iron Man’s Transcendent Challenge (256)

Contributors: Avengers Assembled (265)
Index: Topics from the S.H.I.E.L.D. File on Tony Stark/Iron Man (273)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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