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Napier, Susan J. "When the Machines Stop: Fantasy, Reality, and Terminal Identity in Neon Genesis Evangelion and Serial Experiments: Lain." Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams. Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime. Eds. Christopher Bolton, Istvan Csicsery-Rony Jr. and Takayuki Tatsumi. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 2007. 101–22. 
Added by: joachim (8/7/11, 5:20 PM)   
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Napier2007
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "Serial Experiments: Lain", Animation, Anno. Hideako, Cyborg, Identity, Japan, Randformen des Comics, Science Fiction
Creators: Bolton, Csicsery-Rony Jr., Napier, Tatsumi
Publisher: Univ. of Minnesota Press (Minneapolis)
Collection: Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams. Japanese Science Fiction from Origins to Anime
Views: 13/1047
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