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Boatner, Michael. "Appreciating Comics: Including analyses of Green Lantern/Green Arrow and Doctor Strange." Senior thesis Bachelor of Arts. University of California, 1977. 
Added by: joachim (6/29/11, 10:59 PM)   
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Boatner1977
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Doctor Strange", "Green Lantern", Superhero
Creators: Boatner
Publisher: University of California (Santa Cruz)
Views: 50/1331
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Table of Contents

I. Introduction (4)
II. Affirmation of Humanity (9)
III. From Razzle Dazzle to Separate Reality (22)
IV. From Visual Impact to Visual Style (31)
V. Conclusion (58)
Bibliography (65)
Added by: joachim  
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