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Hull, Thomas William Allan. "Selling Moral Panic: Social Scientific Criticism of Movies and Comic Books for Children, 1925–1955." Thesis Master of Arts. Case Western Reserve University, 2010. 
Added by: joachim (6/22/11, 1:17 PM)   
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Hull2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: Kulturpolitik, USA, Wertham. Fredric
Creators: Hull
Publisher: Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland)
Views: 21/1150
Attachments   URLs   http://rave.ohioli ... num=case1263949945
In the twentieth century, social scientists criticized both the motion picture and comic book industries for their impact on the young. In Our Movie Made Children (1933) Henry Forman summarized studies by the Motion Picture Research Council and the Payne Fund that explored the sometimes harmful influence of popular films on children. Similarly, in Seduction of the Innocent (1954) psychiatrist Fredric Wertham drew on his own clinical work with troubled youth to link comic books to juvenile delinquency. The two books shared many similarities in tone, style, method, intent, and content, but received divergent responses from reviewers, academics, policymakers, and general readers. Those disparities resulted from various factors, including differences in age composition (and political power) of the audiences for movies and comic books, the varying effectiveness of each industry's own pre-existing self-censorship organization, and broad changes in American society and culture between the 1920s and 1950s.

Table Of Contents

List of Tables (4)
Acknowledgments (5)
Abstract (6)

“Selling Moral Panic: Social Scientific Criticism of Movies and Comic Books for Children, 1925–1955” (7)

Bibliography (55)
Added by: joachim  
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