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Burack, Cynthia. "From Doom Town to Sin City: Chick Tracts and Anti-gay Political Rhetoric." New Political Science 28. (2006): 163–79. 
Added by: joachim (8/21/10, 1:56 PM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1080/07393140600679843
BibTeX citation key: Burack2006
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Categories: General
Keywords: Chick. Jack T., Gender, Politics, Religion, USA
Creators: Burack
Collection: New Political Science
Views: 49/1203
The most popular and recognized of all Christian religious tracts are Chick Publications. The comic-book format tracts have been distributed since the 1960s and are now translated into over 100 languages. Some Christian Right opinion leaders regard the tracts with ambivalence, and many outside the Christian conservative community who comment on Chick's career believe that the tracts are no longer available through Christian retail outlets. Not only are the tracts still available, they represent an important form of conservative Christian political pedagogy. The tracts anticipated and continue to reflect Christian Right politics, including the centrality of same-sex sexuality to those politics. On the other hand, the tracts have come to conflict with key dimensions of Christian Right political strategy. This article traces the genealogy of the tracts, examines the anti-gay political rhetoric of Chick Publications and traces Christian Right ambivalence toward the tracts to the movement's efforts to “center” Christian Right politics for mainstream audiences.
Added by: joachim  
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