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Levin, Bob. Most Outrageous: The Trials and Trespasses of Dwaine Tinsley and Chester the Molester. Seattle: Fantagraphics, 2008. 
Added by: joachim (5/15/10, 1:54 AM)   
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Levin2008
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Chester the Molester", Biography, Comic strip, Cultural criminology, Tinsley. Dwaine B.
Creators: Levin
Publisher: Fantagraphics (Seattle)
Views: 26/1196
In May 1989, Dwaine Tinsley stood at the summit of an unlikely career. The product of a broken, trailer-trash marriage, he was a high school dropout who had decided to become a professional cartoonist while serving a six-year sentence in a Maryland prison for burglary. As cartoon editor for Larry Flynt’s notorious Hustler magazine, he had assembled a staff of pen-and-Wite-Out-wielding Lenny Bruces whose unprecedentedly offensive socio-sexual cartoons had spearheaded that publication's fight against the forces of censorship and repression that sought to overthrow the political and cultural gains of the 1960s. His primary personal contribution — spawned amidst a national hysteria that saw a plague of child sexual abuse arising everywhere from pre-school staffs to satanic sects — was “Chester the Molester,” a hulking middle-aged man who craved pre-pubescent girls.
And then Tinsley's teenage daughter accused him of sexually violating her over the course of five years. And the prosecution in his ensuing criminal trial cast several storage boxes full of his cartoons against him. Most Outrageous is the story of the trial of Dwaine Tinsley as well as the story of Tinsley's family life.
Added by: joachim  
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