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Kukkonen, Karin and Anja Müller-Wood. "Whatever Happened to All the Heroes? British Perspectives on Superheroes." Comics as a Nexus of Cultures. Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives. Eds. Mark Berninger, Jochen Ecke and Gideon Haberkorn. Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2010. 153–63. 
Added by: joachim (3/5/10, 2:05 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/10/10, 2:30 AM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Kukkonen2010c
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Categories: General
Keywords: Interculturalism, Superhero, United Kingdom
Creators: Berninger, Ecke, Haberkorn, Kukkonen, Müller-Wood
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Collection: Comics as a Nexus of Cultures. Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives
Views: 10/1196
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