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Berndt, Jaqueline and Steffi Richter, eds. Reading Manga. Local and Global Perceptions of Japanese Comics. Mitteldeutsche Studien zu Ostasien. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2006. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:34 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/21/09, 2:50 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 3865831230
BibTeX citation key: Berndt2006a
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Japan, Manga
Creators: Berndt, Richter
Publisher: Leipziger Universitätsverlag (Leipzig)
Views: 26/1580
Since the late 1990s, Japanese comics, or manga, have become established as a globally-successful print medium. Striving for the transcultural and transdisciplinary exchange between Japanese manga researchers, European comics experts, and japanologists, this anthology addresses itself to readers who take an interest in cultural, historical, and theoretical reflections on reading manga. Its first part focuses on the case study of Nakazawa Keiji's Barefoot Gen (Hadashi no Gen, 1973–1987), paying special attention to its reception in different cultures. Because of its subject matter Barefoot Gen provokes exploratons of comics' potential to narrate history realistically which is the object of attention in the second part. Finally, the third part highlights a variety of topics related to the impact of manga on other comics cultures. In accordance with the fact that Comics Studies can be conceptualized only as a multidisziplinary field research, the contributors to this anthology deploy a variety of angles: from Media History and Cultural Studies to Linguistics and Social Sciences as well as Gender Studies and Aesthetics.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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