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Rhoades, Shirrel. Comic Books: How the Industry Works. New York [etc.]: Peter Lang, 2008. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:33 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/17/10, 12:33 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-8204-8893-6
BibTeX citation key: Rhoades2008b
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Categories: General
Keywords: Comic book industry, Merchandising, Sociology, Superhero
Creators: Rhoades
Publisher: Peter Lang (New York [etc.])
Views: 19/696
This book is an insider's guide to how the comic book industry works. You'll learn how comic book superheroes are created and the deeper meanings they represent. You'll follow the development of sequential art storytelling – from caveman wall paintings to modern manga and cinematic techniques. Here you will explore comics in all forms: those flimsy pamphlets we call comic books; thick graphic novels; Japanese manga; and blockbuster movies featuring epic battles between good and evil. But behind it all, you'll discover how comics are an intellectual property business, the real money found in licensed bedsheets and fast-food merchandise, heart-pounding theme park rides and collectible toys, video games, and Hollywood extravaganza featuring such popular superheroes as Spider-Man, Superman, X-Men, and Batman.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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