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Gordon, Ian. Comic Strips and Consumer Culture, 1890–1945. Washington, London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/18/17, 6:16 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 1588340317
BibTeX citation key: Gordon1998
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Categories: General
Keywords: Comic strip, Merchandising, Popular culture, Sociology, USA
Creators: Gordon
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution Press (Washington, London)
Views: 33/940
Attachments   URLs   http://nus.academi ... _culture_1890-1945
Table of Contents

Acknowledgments (ix)
Preface to Paperback Edition (xii)

Introduction (1)
1. From Caricature to Comic Strips: The Shaping of Comic Art as Commodity (13)
2. Comic Strips, National Culture, and Marketing: The Breadth of the Form (37)
3. Comic Art and the Commodification of African American Typographies: The Limits of the Form (59)
4. Comic Strips as Culture: From National Phenomenon to Everyday Life (80)
5. Envisioning Consumer Culture: “Gasoline Alley” and “Winnie Winkle,” 1920–1945 (106)
6. The Comic Book: Comics as an Independent Commodity, 1939–1945 (128)
Epilogue: The Persistence of Comic Art as Commodity (152)

Circulation and Syndication Data
Table 1. Circulation of Newspapers Examined, 1901–1913 (161)
Table 2. Growth in Population and Newspaper Circulation, 1903–1913 (167)
Table 3. Syndication of Comic Strips, 1903–1913 (168)
Table 4. Distribution of “Buster Brown,” 1903–1908 (168)

Notes (169)
Bibliography (209)
Index (227)

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