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Pursall, Dona. "“Tin-Can Tommy The Clockwork Boy”: A case study in incompleteness for humorous effect in British children’s comics of the 1930s." Interfaces 46 2021. Accessed 14Dec. 2023. <>. 
Added by: joachim (12/14/23, 4:54 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (8/23/24, 3:26 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.4000/interfaces.3472
BibTeX citation key: Pursall2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Beano", "Tin-Can Tommy The Clockwork Boy", Children’s and young adults’ comics, Humor, Seriality, Style, United Kingdom
Creators: Pursall
Collection: Interfaces
Views: 32/636
Attachments   URLs   https://journals.o ... rg/interfaces/3472
This article explores the format and construct of longer humorous comics strips through the close analysis of “Tin-Can Tommy The Clockwork Boy” from D C Thomson’s The Beano Comic, a publication aimed at children and launched in 1938. This study of one specific strip argues that the use of a seriality somewhere between open-ended and discontinuous, continual fluctuations between flat and round characterisation and a style wavering between completeness and expressivity constructs an aesthetic of incompleteness which is essentiel in the creation of humour. Following investigation of the ways in which this particular format constructs funniness as a process of continual negotiation, specifically through the use of exaggeration, asymmetry, dissatisfaction and imbalance, the article concludes that a quality of unfinishedness is integral to the relationship these comics create with their readers, and therefore fundamental to laughter.
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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