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Clevenger, Shelly and Brittany L. Acquaviva. "Hulk Smash! Violence in The Incredible Hulk Comics." Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture 20. 1 2020. Accessed 16Jul. 2022. <https://static1.squares ... k+Smash+Final+Proof.pdf>. 
Added by: joachim (7/16/22, 11:09 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (7/16/22, 11:12 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Clevenger2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Hulk", Cultural criminology, Justice, Media effects, Statistics, Superhero, USA, Violence
Creators: Acquaviva, Clevenger
Collection: Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
Views: 54/1143
Attachments   URLs   https://static1.sq ... sh+Final+Proof.pdf
“Hulk smash!” is one of the most iconic phrases uttered in the pages of comic books. The Incredible Hulk is one of comics’ most violent characters as the Hulk smashes first and asks questions later. The popularity of the comic book genre has exploded within past decades and the interest in comics has increased. But exactly how violent is The Incredible Hulk and what does that mean for readers? This research examines the occurrence of violence in the Incredible Hulk comics through a thematic content analysis of 248 issues. Specifically, such themes as violence against men and women, unpunished violence, formal punishments of violence, interventions to stop violence and the justification provided for violence were assessed. The goal of the research was to determine the amount and level of violence within the comic and in what context it occurred. Results indicate that there is a large amount of violence occurring within the pages of the Incredible Hulk, but that this violence is often justified and committed by the Hulk to protect himself and others. A discussion is provided regarding the potential impact this may have on a reader and their view of violence, crime and justice.
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