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Dernovšek, Davorin. "Portrayal of Good and Evil in the Hellboy Graphic Novels." Diplomska Delo. Univerza v Ljubljani, 2009. 
Added by: joachim (5/18/22, 10:36 AM)   
Resource type: Thesis/Dissertation
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: Dernovek2009
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Hellboy", Ethics, Horror, Mignola. Mike, USA
Creators: Dernovšek
Publisher: Univerza v Ljubljani (Ljubljna)
Views: 57/1209
The paper focuses on two graphic novels from Mike Mignola, namely Hellboy: Seed of Destruction and Hellboy: Wake the Devil. It analyses the notions of good and evil, their relationship and the way they are portrayed, both visually as well as verbally. The theoretical part of the work is centred around the comics medium, specifically focussing on the graphic novel plus the depiction of good and evil. The second part then shows how this theory relates to the analysis of the two abovementioned works.
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