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Connerty, Michael. The Comic Strip Art of Jack B. Yeats. Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels. New York [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. 
Added by: joachim (1/29/22, 3:20 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (1/29/22, 4:05 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-76893-5
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-3-030-76892-8
BibTeX citation key: Connerty2021
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Categories: General
Keywords: Art, Comic strip, Ireland, United Kingdom, Yeats. Jack B.
Creators: Connerty
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (New York [etc.])
Views: 25/1259
Attachments   Table of Contents [0/110]
This monograph seeks to recover and assess the critically neglected comic strip work produced by the Irish painter Jack B. Yeats for various British publications, including Comic Cuts, The Funny Wonder, and Puck, between 1893 and 1917. It situates the work in relation to late-Victorian and Edwardian media, entertainment and popular culture, as well as to the evolution of the British comic during this crucial period in its development. Yeats’ recurring characters, including circus horse Signor McCoy, detective pastiche Chubblock Homes, and proto-superhero Dicky the Birdman, were once very well-known, part of a boom in cheap and widely distributed comics that Alfred Harmsworth and others published in London from 1890 onwards. The repositioning of Yeats in the context of the comics, and the acknowledgement of the very substantial corpus of graphic humour that he produced, has profound implications for our understanding of his artistic career and of his significant contribution to UK comics history.
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