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Berninger, Mark, Jochen Ecke, and Gideon Haberkorn, eds. Comics as a Nexus of Cultures: Essays on the Interplay of Media, Disciplines and International Perspectives. Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Jefferson, London: McFarland, 2010. 
Added by: joachim (7/20/09, 1:29 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (12/12/10, 2:18 AM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 0786439874
BibTeX citation key: Berninger2010c
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Categories: General
Keywords: Collection of essays, Interculturalism, Intermediality
Creators: Berninger, Ecke, Haberkorn
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson, London)
Views: 35/2185
These 19 essays from various critical disciplines examine how comic books and graphic narratives move between various media, while merging youth and adult cultures and popular and high art. The articles feature international perspectives on comics and graphic novels published in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Portugal, Germany, Turkey, India, and Japan. Topics range from film adaptation, to journalism in comics, to the current manga boom.

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

1. Jochen Ecke: Spatializing the Movie Screen: How Mainstream Cinema Is Catching Up on the Formal Potentialities of the Comic Book Page 7
2. Andreas Rauscher: The Marvel Universe on Screen: A New Wave of Superhero Movies? 21
3. Dan A. Hassler-Forest: From Trauma Victim to Terrorist: Redefining Superheroes in Post–9/11 Hollywood 33
4. Jonas Engelmann: “Picture This”: Disease and Autobiographic Narration in the Graphic Novels of David B and Julie Doucet 45
5. Paul Ferstl: Novel-Based Comics 60
6. Dirk Vanderbeke: In the Art of the Beholder: Comics as Political Journalism 70

7. Michel Hardy-Vallée: The Carrefour of Practice: Québec BD in Transition 85
8. Sandra Martina Schwab: The Use of Allusion in Apitz and Kunkel’s Karl Comics 99
9. Anne Hoyer: Cultural Specifics of a Scottish Comic: Oor Wullie 108
10. Mario Gomes and Jan Peuckert: Memento Mori: A Portuguese Style of Melancholy 116
11. Georg Drennig: Otherness and the European as Villain and Antihero in American Comics 127
12. Ben Little: 2000AD: Understanding the “British Invasion” of American Comics 140
13. Karin Kukkonen and Anja Müller-Wood: Whatever Happened to All the Heroes? British Perspectives on Superheroes 153
14. Meral Özçnar: A Cornerstone of Turkish Fantastic Films: From Flash Gordon to Baytekin 164
15. Suchitra Mathur: From Capes to Snakes: The Indianization of the American Superhero 175
16. Holger Briel: The Roving Eye Meets Traveling Pictures: The Field of Vision and the Global Rise of Adult Manga 187

17. Dinah Zank: Kawaii vs. Rorikon: The Reinvention of the Term Lolita in Modern Japanese Manga 211
18. Paul M. Malone: Mangascape Germany: Comics as Intercultural Neutral Ground 223

19. Karin Kukkonen and Gideon Haberkorn: Workshop I: Toward a Toolbox of Comics Studies 237
20. Mark Berninger: Workshop II: Comics in School 245
21. Mark Berninger: Workshop III: Teaching Comics and Literary Studies—Neil Gaiman and Charles Vess’ “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” 253
22. Andreas Rauscher: Workshop IV: Teaching Comics and Film Studies—Ang Lee’s The Hulk (USA 2003) 265
23. Christina Sanchez: Comic Linguistics: Comics and Cartoons in Academic Teaching 274
Christina Sanchez

About the Contributors 283
Index 287
Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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