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Bauwens-Sugimoto, Jessica. "Queering Black Jack: A Look at How the Manga Industry Adapts to Changing Reader Demographics." Orientaliska Studier (2016): 111–40. 
Added by: joachim (6/23/20, 1:58 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: BauwensSugimoto2016
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Black Jack", "Young Black Jack", Gender, Japan, Manga, Ōkuma. Yūgo, Sexuality, Tabata. Yoshiaki, Tezuka. Osamu
Creators: Bauwens-Sugimoto
Collection: Orientaliska Studier
Views: 34/1528
Attachments   URLs   https://orientalis ... auwens_111_142.pdf
There is “gender trouble” in all three major sequential art cultures: In English-language comics, in the Franco-Belgian world of bande dessineé, and in Japanese manga. After a brief outline of the main issues, I will turn my attention to the (currently in process) changing readership of mainstream manga. In Japan, since the late sixties, many female artists have tackled sexuality and gender taboos and done barrier-breaking work, creating stories that to this day are enjoyed by loyal readers of the entire gender spectrum. Nevertheless, the most profitable manga genres are still, and overwhelmingly so in financial terms, those aimed at a male readership: shōnen (boys) and seinen (young men) manga. In recent years however, the readership of supposedly male-oriented genres have skewed female, with over half of readers of the most popular manga magazines now girls and women. In this paper, using Young Black Jack, a 2011 reboot of “God of Manga” Tezuka Osamu’s classic manga Black Jack as a case study, I will analyze what tactics the industry uses to embrace and foster this demographic change.
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