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Baldanzi, Jessica and Hussein Rashid, eds. Ms. Marvel’s America: No Normal. Jackson: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2020. 
Added by: joachim (5/18/20, 10:37 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/18/20, 3:59 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 9781496827029
BibTeX citation key: Baldanzi2020
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Categories: General
Keywords: "Ms. Marvel", Collection of essays, Ethnicity, Gender, Islam, Religion, Superhero, USA
Creators: Baldanzi, Rashid
Publisher: Univ. Press of Mississippi (Jackson)
Views: 38/1635
Mainstream superheroes are becoming more and more diverse, with new identities for Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man. Though the Marvel-verse is becoming much more racially, ethnically, and gender diverse, many of these comics remain shy about religion.
The new Ms. Marvel, Kamala Khan, is a notable exception, not only because she is written and conceived by two women, Sana Amanat and G. Willow Wilson, but also because both of these women bring their own experiences as Muslim Americans to the character.
This distinct collection brings together scholars from a range of disciplines including literature, cultural studies, religious studies, pedagogy, and communications to engage with a single character, exploring Khan’s significance for a broad readership. While acknowledged as the first Muslim superhero to headline her own series, her character appears well developed and multifaceted in many other ways. She is the first character to take over an established superhero persona, Ms. Marvel, without a reboot of the series or death of the original character. The teenager is also a second-generation immigrant, born to parents who arrived in New Jersey from Pakistan.

Table of Contents

Jessica Baldanzi and Hussein Rashid: Introduction (vii)

Part One: Precursors
J. Richard Stevens: Mentoring Ms. Marvel: Marvel’s Kamala Khan and the Reconstitution of Carol Danvers (3)
Martin Lund: Placing Ms. Marvel and Dust: Marvel Comics, the New York Metro Area, and the “Muslim Problem” (21)

Part Two: Nation and Religion, Identity and Community
Hussein Rashid: Ms. Marvel is an Immigrant (47)
Sika A. Dagbovie-Mullins and Eric Berlatsky: “The Only Nerdy Pakistani-American-Slash-Inhuman in the Entire Universe”: Postracialism and Politics in the New Ms. Marvel (65)
Jessica Baldanzi: “I Would Rather Be a Cyborg”: Both/And Technoculture and the New Ms. Marvel (89)
A. David Lewis: Hope and the Sa’a of Ms. Marvel (116)

Part Three: Pedagogy and Resistance
Peter Carlson and Antero Garcia: The Transformational Resistance of Ms. Marvel in America (133)
Winona Landis: Classroom Heroes: Ms. Marvel and Feminist, Antiracist Pedagogy (152)
Kristin M. Peterson: More than a Mask, Burkini, and Tights: Fighting Misrepresentation Through Ms. Marvel’s Costume (170)

Part Four: Fangirls, Fanboys, and the Culture of Fandom
Aaron Kashtan: “Wow. Many Hero. Much Super. Such Girl”: Kamala Khan and Female Comics Fandom (191)
Nicholaus Pumphrey: Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, and Marvel NOW! Challenging the Traditional White Male Fan (207)

Coda: Conversations
José Alaniz: Madina on the Light Rail (That Girl Is Me) (229)
Shabana Mir: Interview with G. Willow Wilson (230)

Acknowledgments (247)
Contributors (249)
Index (255)

Added by: joachim  Last edited by: joachim
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