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Sjåstad, Øystein. "Comics: This Bitter Art." Comics and Power. Representing and Questioning Culture, Subjects and Communities. Eds. Rikke Platz Cortsen, Erin La Cour and Anne Magnussen. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publ. 2015. 2–22. 
Added by: Okwuchi Mba (4/1/19, 10:44 AM)   Last edited by: joachim (10/11/21, 8:44 PM)
Resource type: Book Chapter
Language: en: English
BibTeX citation key: 2015g
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Categories: General
Keywords: Aesthetics, Art
Creators: Cortsen, La Cour, Magnussen, Sjåstad
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publ. (Newcastle upon Tyne)
Collection: Comics and Power. Representing and Questioning Culture, Subjects and Communities
Views: 29/927
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