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Keetley, Dawn, ed. “We’re All Infected”: Essays on AMC’s The Walking Dead and the Fate of the Human. Contributions to Zombie Studies. Jefferson: McFarland, 2014. 
Added by: joachim (2/9/19, 6:19 PM)   Last edited by: joachim (5/22/19, 4:38 PM)
Resource type: Book
Language: en: English
ID no. (ISBN etc.): 978-0-7864-7628-2
BibTeX citation key: Keetley2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: "The Walking Dead", Adaptation, Adlard. Charlie, Collection of essays, Horror, Kirkman. Robert, TV, USA, Violence
Creators: Keetley
Publisher: McFarland (Jefferson)
Views: 28/1831
This edited collection brings together an introduction and 13 original scholarly essays on AMC’s The Walking Dead. The essays in the first section address the pervasive bloodletting of the series: What are the consequences of the series’ unremitting violence? Essays explore violence committed in self-defense, racist violence, mass lawlessness, the violence of law enforcement, the violence of mourning, and the violence of history.
The essays in the second section explore an equally urgent question: What does it mean to be human? Several argue that notions of the human must acknowledge the centrality of the body—the fact that we share a “blind corporeality” with the zombie. Others address how the human is closely aligned with language and time, the disappearance of which are represented by the aphasic, timeless zombie.
Underlying each essay are the game-changing words of The Walking Dead’s protagonist Rick Grimes to the other survivors: “We’re all infected.” The violence of the zombie is also our violence; their blind drives are also ours. The human characters of The Walking Dead may try to define themselves against the zombies but in the end their bodies harbor the zombie virus: they are the walking dead.

Table of Contents

Preface (1)
Dawn Keetley: Introduction: “We’re All Infected” (3)

I. Society’s End
Philip L. Simpson: The Zombie Apocalypse Is Upon Us! Homeland Insecurity (28)
Steven Pokornowski: Burying the Living with the Dead: Security, Survival and the Sanction of Violence (41)
P. Ivan Young: Walking Tall or Walking Dead? The American Cowboy in the Zombie Apocalypse (56)
Angus Nurse: Asserting Law and Order Over the Mindless (68)
Laura Kremmel: Rest in Pieces: Violence in Mourning the (Un)Dead (80)
Christine Heckman: Roadside “Vigil” for the Dead: Cannibalism, Fossil Fuels and the American Dream (95)
Paul Boshears: Mass Shock Therapy for Atlanta’s Psych(ot)ic Suburban Legacy (110)

II. Posthumanity
Chris Boehm: Apocalyptic Utopia: The Zombie and the (r)Evolution of Subjectivity (126)
Xavier Aldana Reyes: Nothing But the Meat: Posthuman Bodies and the Dying Undead (142)
Dawn Keetley: Human Choice and Zombie Consciousness (156)
Gary Farnell: “Talking Bodies” in a Zombie Apocalypse: From the Discursive to the Shitty Sublime (173)
Gwyneth Peaty: Zombie Time: Temporality and Living Death (186)
Dave Beisecker: Afterword: Bye-Gone Days: Reflections on Romero, Kirkman and What We Become (201)

Bibliography (215)
List of Episodes (227)
About the Contributors (229)
Index (233)

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